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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 12, 2014 3:00am-7:01am PDT

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good morning, today is saturday, july 12th. i'm ainsley earhardt. breaking overnight. a big scare in the sky. united airlines flight packed with hundreds of people having to make remote landing in one of the most remote places in the world. what went wrong. >> president obama telling republicans to act urgently for funding for illegal immigrants. this morning, we are learning exactly what those tax dollars would be used for. you won't be impressed. stay tuned. >> and,excuse me, but there is a lemur on your daughter's head. a zoo exhibit gets interactive that mom and
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baby are going to join us live this hour. the baby slept through the whole thing. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> you are watching "fox & friends," the number one morning cable news show in america. >> thank you, colonel hunt. welcome in "fox & friends." >> it's distinctive, clayton, wake up. >> who is that? >> colonel david hunt. >> ains earhardt, good morning. >> good to be with you guys this morning. >> nice to he so you. we have news this morning. you may have seen the president speaking yesterday scolding republicans urging them to act urgently as he said on the 3.7 billion-dollar request for funding that he says will be used to secure the borders. now we know partly what that money would be used for. not necessarily building a border fence or securing our southern border but, instead, clayton, what? >> so top of the list? schooling. get these kids in school. get them started. goff k through 12.
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healthcare, covering your healthcare costs there of course taxpayer dollars going to the welfare of these children, and lawyers. they need to lawyer up. if you break all the numbers down, i think it comes down to about $67,000 per illegal immigrant that comes into this country. $67,000 per person that comes into this country. >> upfront cost for social services. >> so you show up in this country and you are immediately entitled,though you are here illegally, legal eption, food, shelter, education. >> kids in chicago are hurting. kids are dying, awful these shootings over the fourth of july weekend and even jesse jackson and the mayor there, rahm immanuel democrats are saying instead of spending all this money on immigrants spend it here in chicago. $67,000 for immigrant. that's a good teal. >> about time jesse jackson speaks up low wage americans
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who are getting shafted by this. >> idea hey politicians actually can contribute to a political issue if they show up and photo ops sometimes do work. if you had jesse jackson and others showing up in chicago. get face. get cameras out there to talk about the violence in chicago. that's why it would be probably pretty helpful if the president went down to the border to show up and bring a the lot of attention there instead of the president going there. his homeland securityçvsñ secretary jay johnson went to the border and said stay out. stay out. we want to send this message to central mick. you are not going to get in here for free. listen to what he said. >> we intend to send you back consistent with our laws, and we are building additional capability to do that quicker and safely. >> no one believes that because it's totally not true. the "wall street journal" yesterday did analysis of the actual numbers from last year. about 50,000 illegal immigrants under the age of 19 came to this country last year. how many do you think were sent back?
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how many do you think went back in about 1300. small minority were deported by judges. at least half of that just completely ignored the deportation and didn't go anywhere. 1300 out of 50,000. so don't look me in the face and tell me we are going to deport anybody because we're not, because we haven't. >> meanwhile, how is this all affecting the local? this is such a burden on these local municipalities having to deal with this. tax burden. the sheriff there was talking with about the strain on arizona. >> president is putting together a proposal for $3.7 billion to give them what they want. no enforcement, not turning them back, but to just accept them. and all that does is reinforce a bad message to the millions of future illegals in mexico and central america that make it to the border and you are home-free. there is no more law. there is no more
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consequences for breaking the law if you are from a foreign country. the president might as well throw this 3.7 billion out the window it's going to repeat itself. 60,000 will peal in comparison what we are about to see because what he has just done. >> that's a nice summation and it's absolutely right. these people are coming here in the first place because they know the truth. once you get here, you get a ton of free stuff and you never have to go home. >> we'll be following this story. much more and he we will be talking to governor huckabee on this very issue later in the show. >> it will be nice to hear a christian, faith based perspective what he thinks we should do with the children as well. >> now to the headlines this morning. begin with a fox news alert. scary moments mid-air, united airlines plane loses power over the pacific and forced to make emergency landing on remote island. the flight with 350 people on board was heading from honolulu to guam. five hours in and halfway across that ocean, the engines just shut off and a burning smell filled the
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cabin. could you imagine. >> you don't want that. >> quick thinking pilots diverted that plane to a naval station on midway island. another plane was sent in to pick up those passengers. thankfully all okay. one person is dead and seven others hurt after lightning strikes in colorado. 8 hikers on a popular trail in rocky mountain national park when lightning. one lightening strike killed one won and seven others injured. burns and broken bones. the last surviving member of the are ramons is now dead. ♪ overnight, tommy ramone the drummer and co-founder of that legendary punk band died. he started with singer joey, the bassist.
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all had different last names. common name ramone. i want to be sedated and rock away beach. they were inducted in the rock and roll hall of fame in 2002. he died from cancer. he was 62 years old. government workers were home with nothing to do for 13 days during last year's shut down. nine months later d.c. hospital is seeing three more births per day than normal. you do the math. at least one twitter user was able to see this baby boom coming in october writing how many shut down babies will be born next 4th of july? and those are your headlines. >> they were home really suffering, rick. we now know what they were doing at home. >> taking more time off work. i guess that was a good time. >> are you expecting? >> i ate enough. and off work next week again. you have to pack in your vacation between tornado and
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hurricane seasons if you are a weather man and people's weddings is ultimately what it is. east coast you are looking pretty good at least across the northeast. showers across the southeast. that's not humid and that's not changing there right now. more rain unfortunately across parts of nebraska and iowa. this is appear area that has been pretty completely water log sod far this summer. more rain and some of it is going to be heavy. good news is the monsoon season started last week and really good across four corners state. arizona getting beneficial rain right now. severe weather the next three days. today this yellow bulls eye across the central plains in towards the great lakes. tomorrow it stretches across the ohio valley and then monday, it moves a little bit farther off towards the east. there you go. you will see it there that's your monday severe weather threat. behind this guy is a big cooldown. you are hearing a lot of people get pretty excited about cooler air coming in across the plains. it's going to feel like fall. you are going to break out your sweat shirts and
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hoodies. it's very strange in the middle of july but we have a big cool down coming. >> pretty nice. >> hey, rick. you are a young buck. if you had it pick an age at which you would say the perfect age for a woman, what would you say? what would your vote be? >> this is such a dangerous one. >> be smart. >> the lower the better, rick. >> the lower the better? >> that is going to get me in big trouble. >> within reason. >> esquire magazine is going to save you. they have come out with the ultimate number this morning in a survey they founded best age for women, these are women that, you know, look, you are in your prime of everything. life financially, secure sexually. >> it's the sexiness at thaj, the frankness, the gravitas, the self-confidence. so what age is it? >> whatever age you are. >> the answer is 42. >> of course it's 42. >> i love that. >> anyone who has ever been married to it a 42-year-old woman can verify. this it's absolutely true.
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>> getten better and better. >> that is the peek. as men are slowing down and becoming -- >> i'm going to have a conversation with god about that why did it happen. shouldn't we hit our peeks at the same time. >> no, that would be bad. >> dangerous? >> it's hard to top this one. sophia. >> i know. gosh, she just gets better and better. >> that's what you have to look forward, to ladies. >> i'm looking forward to it in about 20 years. >> another person 42 cameron diaz. she has a new movie out looking fabulous. >> jennifer garner? on the other hand, that's 42 >> cameron diaz is beautiful. >> nah. >> ripped. great figure. she is pretty. >> gabriel union? >> gabriel union; >> amy polar. >> back to jennifer garner. >> the point of this segment. >> look, she is the architect for 42. it's true. girls, of course, faster --
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boys reach their peek when they're seniors in high school. women it takes a couple more decades. >> for me it's been all down hill since high school. it's been plummeting. so my wife, she is in mid 30's now. i have a lot to look forward to. >> i had a chance it to meet sophie, i will who he you a picture. look at her. kimberly guilfoyle obviously on the right-hand side. she is stunning. she is just as pretty in person. >> that is quite a picture there. >> i'm impressed. >> if you have pictures, send us your pictures if you are 42 years old. send us your picture. >> i don't have any pictures like that to be totally honest with you. >> i will give you mine. >> please. keep sending them. in. >> you are fabulous. put them on our facebook page ff weekend and share some of your 42-year-old photos. >> 30's are great but i'm looking forward to the 40s. i think that will be fun. >> beloved high school
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counselor found dead. releasing surveillance photo. colleague joins us next with the latest on the investigation. >> she got a modeling contract after the photo of her cheering at the world cup showed up. that beautiful woman. >> then she suddenly lost it all because then another photo of her surfaced on the internet where she shot the big game. she lost the contract. >> what do you think? >> we'll discuss it coming up. you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate!
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yourturn night into conquer the globe. stop floods. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own.
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comfort keepers can help you help her. our professional caregivers are carefully chosen and highly trained to provide a variety of in-home services while truly engaging with your aging loved ones so they can stay happy at home. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more. new coppertone clearlysheer ugh sunscreens.. barely noticeable and face-friendly for beach,pool and sunny days. perfect, no matter what you're wearing. it's so on. coppertone clearlysheer. it's on. a murder mystery in north carolina. a beloved high school counselor found dead in her apartment on june 28th. here she is. police have not yet revealed how much they know about maggie daniel's death or if they have any suspects at
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this point they did release in surveillance image of her coming out of a wal-mart store one day before she was found. joining us with the latest on how the community is holding up is the superintendent of newton conover city schools where maggie worked. david stealing, thank you so much, david, for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> i'm so sorry for your school district's loss. tell me what we do know. what's the latest information? >> well, we, right now, the investigation they are not releasing much information. picture released media outlets. hoping someone comes forward with information. our focus has been on supporting the family. supporting one another and just pulling together as a community to try to make sense of this. >> now, david, police say she was with a friend there at wal-mart they do have pictures of that as well. why is that person being ruled out as a suspect? >> i can't speculate on that
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out i'm sure the investigation they concerned everyone that might have any ties to her. i don't have a way to know what they are found or what they might be considering. so i'm not sure about the person that was with her. >> why are they being so tight-lipped? what is the people in the community saying? if they are not telling us suspects how she died or any information about the friend she was with at wal-mart. what are people there saying. >> as you might nag, there is a lot of questions. we have a lot of faith in our police force and our state bureau of investigation from my understanding is involved. so, we just have given our trust into the process of them doing the investigation and handling the situation. so, at this point, we are really just focusing on looking, picking up the pieces and supporting each other. and remembering the person she was and impact she made on our community and just trusting that this will be resolved in a timely manner. >> david, i know she was an english teacher at one point and basketball coach at one
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point. i red that she did leave the doors open so kids could come over to the school and talk to her. she sounded like remarkable person. tell me about her involvement in your school district. >> if you met her, you would know she was one of the most engaging people you ever met. the kind of perch you would want working with your children. she related to everyone, adults and students alike. i never met anyone who didn't -- she is a positive person. great coach and teacher. she was actually the teacher of the year for the school and then teacher of the year for the entire district. while she was english teacher, students who were with her as well as students she didn't actually teach would stop by and seek advice from her. it led her into realizing she wanted to get back to get a degree in guidance counseling. she did that and spent the past year serving in that role. guiding students through the decisions of life and decisions they were dealing with and making decisions about college and career. she is going to leave a huge
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void for our district for students and the community at large. >> david, real quickly. they found her body in her apartment? >> yeah. that's my understanding. >> hopefully we will get to the bottom of this and continue to follow it thanks so much, david. our thoughts and prayers are with you and all the student in that district and her family. >> thank you. we appreciate it video went viral showing amazing up close look at fireworks show. how got that video is sparking a federal government investigation. are you still planning your summer vacation? what if i told you that you could save big bucks just by using your smart phone. show you the steps. tell you all about it coming right up.
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quick headlines for you, remember this remarkable video? it's a drone flying through fireworks on the fourth of july. several similar videos were posted online. one getting nearly 9 million views. now the faa is investigating all of this. drones are supposed to stay under 400 feet and within the sight of the people operating them retired florida police captain accused of failingsly shooting a man for texting during a movie preview. confined to jail he has been charged with second degree murder. pleaded not guilty claiming self-defense. clayton? >> thank you, tucker. well, if you knew the flight
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you were about to book will go down in price. we have just the ticket to save you some big cash on your summer vacation. kurt, the cyber guy is here with the latest sites and apps this morning. we are right now in prime travel season and people are looking for a deal. certainly have the hurricane season rolling out. get some deals. >> because the hurricanes are coming. >> truth is up early god reason this morning. write this stuff down. this is stuff that's on its way. this one you were talking about earlier flier take the e out of it an app. that comes out. this is just a web version of it that anybody can get from your phone or from your computer screen. flight number you are about to book and the date you are going to travel. hey, hang on a second. we think the price might go down on this. >> on tuesday at 3:00 p.m. >> it won't get that specific as of yet. it will just sort of give you an idea that you should wait a little bit or hey now
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is the best time because we think it might sell out which is a brilliant concept. you have nothing it use by doing that not a booking engine something to check the truth with this right here, you and i travel a lot. we earn our miles. we work the system. the problem is airlines are making it tougher and tougher to redeem those miles, right? >> what's this one called? >> the miles guy. >> this is a service. this one just started, great guy, dave flemming. you pay nothing until he is successful booking a trip with you. somehow and i don't know how he does it we put him it the test. he ended up getting a honeymoon couple going business class to bali from the u.s. using half the miles they were going to use. they were flying economy and paying the higher end of miles. >> brilliant. >> >> now he got them the lower threshold of miles, no bag fees. they are actually saving money after paying him 300.
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it miles guy. it's brilliant. i like you don't have to pay him until you like what he found for you. >> three hotel sites. trip bam. >> this is about saving money. put in a hotel you have already booked, right? >> and it watches to find out if the price of the hotel goes down from the time you booked it until the time you are about to stay. so it let's you know to reach out of to the hotel and say hey, i would like this lower rate which is so smart. >> stayful is another app. >> you want to stay at a four seasons but not pay the four seasons price. stayful list as whole bunch of really nice boutique type of hotels around the world. and you bids on how much you are willing it pay to stay at the hotel. it gives you some guidance. let's you know roughly what has gone for in the past. can you get a good feel of it, what a suggested bid might be. but chances are you would be able to spend a little less money living large and staying at a small boutique hotel, this is the greatest secret. all right.
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it's going to happen. you run into a glitch whether it's a summertime, winter time, any time uher at the airport flight cancelled but the airport is not accommodating you. ap is the site that the airline emilyees are using to see about the discounted hotels around the airport wherever you are. you need a code. you can either get that from the airline when you are traveling or we found one on google. i don't know how long it's going to last. jstrk which we will put on the web site later. you put in the airport you are at and, boom, up it will come up with some alternatives. we just searched it, for example, in las vegas, $40 for a travel long that was right by the airport. >> wow. >> it's brilliant way to save some money when you get into that glitch oh no, not only am i not wanting to sleep in the airport but this actually gets me a nice bed for 50 to under $100. >> wonderful apps, wonderful sites. check them out. put them on our site at
3:28 am great to see you. travel safe during hurricane season. coming up here, new evidence coming to light investigation of the call girl linked to a google ceo's death. the 911 calls are next. dawn of planet of the apes hitting the box office this weekend. is it worth your cash? stay tuned. we will tell you. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic.
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my name clayton morris and i have been here for a while. ♪ i fell into a burning ring of fire ♪ going down, down, down ♪ until the flames getting higher ♪ and it burns, burns, burns ♪ a ring of fire ♪ a ring of fire. >> ladies and gentlemen, clayton. >> all right.
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>> my voice still hurts from yesterday. >> that was so impressive. musical skills. that was scottie mccreery who has this great deep country voice. we were trying to find out how he sings so so low. that's as low ascii go johnny cash. >> if this doesn't work out for you. >> you need 40 years of pall malls to get deeper than that. >> 20 years old and still in college at nc state and touring. i don't know how he does it all. >> he just finished his freshman year and doing sophomore year. lot of it is online he says now. >> i i bet. here is a story you may remember. you you remember this fan at the world cup game. there she is right there. she was rooting for belgium, i believe. anyway, she got a modeling contract for l'oreal. well, that was then. she has now had that contract taken away. why? because of this picture that also appeared online. there she is with a gazelle
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that she shot in africa. l'oreal said you are not the model we want and discontinued the contract. >> shows you the mob mentality of the internet. people freaking out. she killed a gazelle in africa, of course. but then you think about l'oreal has had battles over the years with peta, back and forth being added. tested some of their chemicals in their products on animals. and then they said they didn't. but then like peta was waiting around for them to actually submit paperwork to peta saying wait a minute show us that you don't test your stuff on animals and l'oreal wasn't forthcoming on it it took too long. >> you are saying critical. >> critical. >> where do people think food comes from? protein magically appears and created in a lab somewhere in new jersey? it comes from animals. >> we are so sen dee sent advertised to the the food chain in this country. we think a steak comes from n. a cellophaned wrapped panging at the store. >> let me speak on this
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because i wear l'oreal makeup or wear makeup and it might make me want to buy l'oreal makeup if i'm a hunter as a female. i grew up in the south. all the women are either hunters or their families are involved in hunting in some way. this is not. >> or gathers. a picture of a girl hunting, that is not alarming to me. >> also totally appealing. i know it's early. >> don't you want to appeal to all women? there are some women who don't like hunting. >> this should be an ad campaign by l'oreal buy for your wife or girlfriend. >> i agree. speaks to the mob mentality of the internet. this is how ridiculous the internet can be some times. i love the internet but how ridiculous it can be. everyone jumped on stephan spielberg over this photo. he shot a -- are you. >> i understand. they are endangered. >> i mean you can believe stephan it spielberg shot a
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dinosaur. >> 10,000 comments. many people bashing him saying we need to ban this guy. ban this movie. >> yes. ban dinosaur hunting. >> that was a fake dinosaur from jurassiclot of people didn. >> huh? >> flushed a tear -- >> he shot a woolly mammoth later. >> the point is, it's the mob mentality of the internet. you are absolutely correct. >> one comment i'm disappointed new, i'm not watching any of your movies again animal killer. >> your thoughts on it where do you think protein comes from? >> visit >> let me read you headlines this morning. we have new developments in that crash that involved actor tracy morgan. he is now suing wal-mart. the crash critically injured morgan and others and killed his friend. they should have known their
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driver hadn't slept in 24 hours leading up to the accident. wal-mart says it is committed to doing the right thing for all involved. a bizarre 911 call shedding new light on the story of a call girl accused of killing a google executive. cops just releasing calls alice tichelman in 2013 to report her boyfriend dean reapel had overdosed. >> tell me exactly what happened. >> i don't know. i think my boyfriend overdosed or something like he's -- he won't respond and is he just lying on the ground, i don't know. >> okay. and are you with the patient now? >> tichelman. hung up dispatcher calls back. why do you think it's overdose. >> because there is nothing else it could be. >> okay.
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accidental or intentional. >> i think, oh, definitely accidental. accidental. >> reviewing the circumstances of the man's death. tichelman that's the name, heroin standing by as he overdosed. still in jail in california. salt lake city teenager fights off kidnapper. man tried to snatch the young girl as the two were walking home from a pancht the aunt wasn't about to let that happen. >> as soon as i hit him. he dropped her. and then he went into the vehicle and when she was on the ground, not even five seconds when she was on the ground i grabbed her, picked her up and started running. >> the wanna be kidnapper is still on the loose. clayton, you will love this story. it's a bird, it's a plane, no, it is the super moon, my friend. it's happening this weekend, clayton. the sles industrial
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phenomenon happens when the moon is its closest to the earth and makes a full moon appear bigger than normal. best you have a will start at 7:30 tonight. two more one on august 10th and one on september 9th. >> sometimes if you go in new york city subway at night you will see a super moon. you never know what you will see down there. >> check in with rick reichmuth who isn't sting by. >> i saw the moon last night which was absolutely huge as it was rising. spectacular. tonight will be even better. hey, do you know what i'm standing in front of, clayton? are you ready? >> you know what it is is another one of these things. apparently every weekend we have some sort of an obstacle course. this one is pretty awesome. see how clayton does this week. meantime, take a look at the weather picture. show you what's going on temperaturewise. warm across the central plains. 80 degrees in kansas city. enjoy it by the time you get to tuesday and wednesday. high temperatures into the 70s. take a look at the northeast. first alert forecast throughout the day today. got plenty of sunshine.
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see a quick spotty shower for a few places in the afternoon. nothing that's going to cause any problems. temperaturewise we are looking great. down to the southeast, we will still see some more showers across parts of the southeast. especially georgia florida area. another 2 to 3 inches unfortunately falling across parts of nebraska and into iowa. all right, guys. send it back to you. >> thanks a million, rick. >> it's survival of the fittest. humans vs. apes. >> you have to go. go. >> where? >> >> i'm sorry, my friend war has begun. >> well, dawn of the planet of the apes hit theaters yesterday and absolutely dominated the box office. here with more on that is our fox light michael tamara. >> good morning, how are you? >> it's so hard to take a
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franchise planet of the apes. they did that in 2011 rise of the planet apes very successfully. harder to follow up with a sequel and make it better. they have done it with this one. so far best reviewed movie of 2014. that has rotten tomato score. exceeding the first movie in terms of ticket sales back in 2011. this is going to be a huge, huge movie. fox is looking at a 5 to 65-million-dollar weekend with this. 10 years after the first. global pandemic wiped out humanity. doing fine living in san francisco. humans and then they get a little cranky as i have said. >> at love the technology in this film is really incredible. you guys had a chance to go behind the scenes and see stuff in action. >> it's hard to tech and actual actors. so real looking. we spoke with some the actors last week about what some of the challenges of the technology is.
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>> the character becomes more challenging. the actual performance capture it all has become more transparent and the fidelity and the pipeline of animation that goes beyond it once he performs is being offered on set. the work that's done afterwards is able to honor the actor's performances to such a high degree now. >> you think it would be harder than it really is but andy, he is so good as an actor that you are incredibly connected with him. easier than you think. >> bring more light into the fire over there. that part is, i think, challenging. yeah. we're going to build it and it's going to come. and then, you know, sure enough, you saw -- i have seen anything like it ever. >> is andy circus as nice as i hope that he is? >> and humble. he has made a career out of this motion' capture technique. you are the lawrence olivier
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motion capture. >> lord of the rings. >> catchall interviews in the fox and follow me on twitter and instagram where the party continues at fox light michael. >> blinded by fox light. >> michael, thank you. battles in the northeast getting bloodier by the day. why in the world are we sending our soldiers pink slips? and the more you drive, the more you have to pay in the lawmaker who wants to tax you for tax you for every mile that you drive is ahead. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points.
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year. >> ♪ every move you make, every step you take ♪ i'll be watching you. >> 1983. one of the greatest songs ever. apple's new phone will monitor your steps. food intake, sleep and more. it can even send health info straight to your doctor. blood pressure results. all that sort of stuff. the new health kit app. will interface with wrist bands scales and more to make sure you stay fit. what if your government taxed your driving by the mile? oregon congressman earle bloomen knauer's plan. he wants top gas tax and every mile fee. unfair to drivers in rural areas. tucker? >> thank you, clayton. the army will be reduced to its smallest size since before the second world war due to budget cuts. we knew that was coming. as battles in the middle east get bloodier and world becomes more dangerous. why at the same time are our soldiers getting pink slips, some of them while deployed
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abroad. here to discuss it former army captain served in iraq thanks for joining us. >> you wrote a piece in the "new york post" so interesting and sad. pointing out that hundreds of army captains have received pink slips while serving abroad. >> >> we expect a wind down, a force reduction. as we come to the close of wars. we have never in the history of our country been a force reduction concurrently fighting the war. we are still in afghanistan. so 1100 captains receiving word they are going to be released within the next nine months. that's just going to put a further borderren on the remaining population. >> some of them received that word again while they were in afghanistan. >> yes. that's, you know, imagine having that phone call calling your spouse at home. you were removed from it and you are in afghanistan or calling your family.
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afghanistan. what next. tough. home. $tuu some of the company commanders. commanders that have hundreds of soldiers underneath there, they are responsible for. and they get this notice. still in a leadership position. addressing their needs on a daily basis while they will have a pink slip obviously reduce the size of the armed services. everyone knows that and everyone agrees probably ought to. why not the upper echelon guys. captains deployed in a war zone wouldn't be the last ones released. >> the captain populations that's a junior officer rank. and for the last 14 years, those conflicts in afghanistan and iraq have been fought junior officer level. those guys have the biggest knowledge base of counter insurgency operations. smaller unit tactics. capital and pass on lessons
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learned to upcoming lieutenants and within the pipeline is just mind boggling. >> it seems like doing it backwards. >> that's the last thing you do. if someone says you reduce the size of the hammer by x number. wouldn't those be the last gays you would fire? >> yes. that target rank. and it's sad because the casualty tolls over the past 14 years, they tell the tale. it's going to be -- the army is not like a sports franchise. we don't go through a rebuilding phase. four years from now we can't bring those guys back bringing back the lebron james. win a war. time will tell. and it puts us at a risk. >> it's also totally unpublicized when g.m. lays off 10,000 guys you know about it. >> i want to thank you for that. >> thank you, tucker. >> jonathan hendershot, thank you for joining us this morning. >> lois lerner's days of stonewalling may be numbered. second judge this morning calling on the irs to explain her missing emails. where are they? we may finally know.
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stay tuned for that then, talk about up close and perm, a baby lieberman is hitting on a baby's head at a zoo. how did this happen? well, that child and her mom join us next. turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. so why are we so obsessed with turbo? because there's nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. and you can get that in places you might not expect. like the passat. and also in the fun-to-drive jetta. in fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. that is a lot of turbo. hurry in and you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card when you lease a new 2014 passat s for $219 a month.
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when you take your kids to the zoo. well, you want them it experience all the animals, right? you have two of them. >> absolutely. this mom might have gotten more than she bargained for. >> take a look at this picture because, excuse me, there is a lemur on your baby's head. snrf this really happened.
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and her baby. nice to see you this morning, angie. she is so beautiful. >> were you walking by? do we need to be worried about lemur attacks out there? >> no. >> how did this suddenly happen? >> we were out for a visit at the wildlife park in kansas and they have an interactive lemur exhibit where you can go in and feed them little craisins and you hold it in the palm of your hand and it's fun and sweet. you are not allowed to take strollers in. so i took the remoivel carrier off of the stroller and took it in with me with two older daughters and set it on the ground next to me. i was taking pictures of two older daughters when i heard this woman giggling and like man, there is a lemur on your baby. i looked down and baby lemur had crawled into the carrier and sitting on top of her
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head playing with the little baby toys happening off the handle. >> what i love about this is she is not even phased. what a cool kid. she is just sitting there asleep. >> how did you feel though? >> i was shocked to kind of see that. but the zoo keeper that was kind of in charge of the exhibit right there. he was right there and he is like she is no in any danger. can i get him off if you want or, you know, might be a good photo opportunity. so, my older daughters and i got some laughs and took some pictures and it was a really good memory. >> be honest this confirms what all of our parents think. when you have the first child very protective they drop the pacifier on the floor you clean it and sanitize it this is your third kid. by the third kid you are letting lemurs climb all over the baby, right? [ laughter ] scientific proof. >> probably. >> some of these pictures though, angie the lemur is like on her face. did she ever wake up?
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>> she never woke up. not at all. i think with two older sisters she kind of used to sleeping through craziness. >> i would love to be able to sleep like that. >> i know, right? with a lemur crawling on my face and not be awakened? >> clayton made a good point but you seriously. were you worried at all about the health risks here? >> maybe a little bit. but, i mean, they crawl on -- you know, they are really friendly and they call on people and they are in there and very friendly and hands were really soft. i knew it wasn't hurting her head and plus i didn't and i didn't want to scare animals. >> 20 years from now wedding photos some day. >> oh yeah, definitely going in the slide show for her wedding. thank you so much for joining us. give her a kiss for us as well. >> angie those are so cute. pictures of your daughters we were seeing blonde girls with the lemur? >> yes. >> they were all great.
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good morning to you, today is saturday, july 12th. i'm ainsley earhardt. breaking overnight. united airlines flight packed with hundreds of people on board forced to make emergency landing. one of the remote places. so what went wrong? >> and one mom demanding answers from president obama. >> when you start breaking the law, there is no reason to keep those people here. i'm furious that the federal government allowed this criminal to stay in this country and kill my son. >> her son killed by someone here illegally and it wasn't the first time he broke the law. we'll have details. >> and while cleveland fans are celebrating lebron james' big announcement,
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feeling not the same in miami. the outrage heating up the internet. why republicans are a a little upset about the move, too. we'll explain. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> you are watching "fox & friends." that's the great way to begin your day. ♪ ♪ >> battle frog course out on the plaza this morning. very soon, at least two anchors on our show. are you kidding in? no chance. pulled a hammy. >> walking into work through the side door this morning. this was right in front of me. >> yeah, that's electrified by the way. see that whole fence part? >> i didn't know you go under it. how are we going to go over it. >> no. we just cameraman this
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morning. >> where is the mud though? i was hoping for like a mud run, too. >> our floor director dave didn't make it this morning. >> he is a good man. >> no cues on what cameras we are talking about. we will be talking about in this morning. the chaos at the border continues to get worse. and now we are getting personal stories of exactly how illegal immigration has been hurting families. a mother has just penned a letter to president obama and pleading for him to wonder why first of all an illegal immigrant wasn't deported after being convicted of a crime. that illegal immigrant killed her son-in-law. raoul carona was driving on the wrong side of the highway for 35 miles before smashing into her son brian van dose is a. >> who was a police officer. he had been arrested and convicted on felony charges years earlier. he didn't have a driver's license. he didn't have a social security card. and, yet, he was able to buy
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and register a car in the state of arizona, which in the end resulted in the death of marianne mendosa's son. here is heroine mendosa speaking directly to the president of the united states. >> people coming here looking for jobs and who are wanting to make a difference in their life, i support them. i mean, this is what this country is made of. when you start breaking the law, there is no reason to keep those people here. i'm furious that the federal government allowed this criminal to stay in this country and kill my son. >> isn't the first time, of course. we have other stories of this happening across the country. is it always going to get worse as the situation unfolds. we know what happened in virginia when an illegal immigrant who had been arrested a couple times was released. ended up smashing drunk driving killing a benedict nun. still not deported. >> the question in that situation though, the government knew he was illegal and didn't deport him. his blood alcohol level when he killed her son was .24%.
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that is way over the legal limit. and they knew he was an illegal. didn't deport him and didn't prosecute. >> he drove 35 miles, as clayton said, 35 miles the wrong way onative hoovment police were pursuing him at one point rammed his vehicle. he went right around the police car and wound up killing this cop in a head-on collision. >> and now there are reports that the ms 13. one of the most violent drug gangs is now going into these reshelters where the illegals are staying in texas and various places in the country and recruiting these illegal immigrants to sell drugs in their gangs. >> and it's, of course, already if you live in any city in america, you know that ms 13, which is originally he will value doran street gang has become a major source of crime and disorder in american cities comprised almost entirely of people who came here recently in many cases illegally. we're also seeing the spread of diseases that have pretty
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much been wiped out in the united states. things like drug resistant tuberculosis. you just saw a case of bacterial pneumonia. border patrol agent got it this week. the union says he is going to be disabled for life by this disease. he picked it up from one of these illegals in the detention center down in texas. >> wow. not to mention the scabies and read one article where leist. you could physically see lice walking down the faces of some of these kids. >> horrible. the president talking about photo opportunities he says is i'm not into theater that all of these situations where you can can show up at different situations and, you have cameras being taken photos, this isn't political theater to go down to the border and do. this later in the day he had a bunch of photo opportunities with here is a student who had written him a letter. and he shows up to some barbecue joints and does some photo ops. white house press secretary josh ernest there is actually some good that can come out of photo ops after all.
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>> when you prioritize photo ops ahead of solutions to actual problems, you are not really accomplishing very much. but when you are foe he cussed on problems, and occasionally using photo ops to confront these problems, that's what real leadership about? >> this has been entirely symbolic presidency for the last three years. if you listened to the white house. you would think the single biggest problem on planet earth is that hobby lobby is not buying the pill for its employees. this is a photo op. presidency. for them to lecture us about the president's refusal to stand for a photo op., it's absurd. as some of the reporters in the room pointed out. by the way, this is a really clear signal. the president is sending a signal. is he not going down to the border. because fundamentally a prove of people coming here illegally because it adds to their vote base. more immigrants means more democratic voters. they are for it. >> president standing like
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jay johnson was yesterday. stay out of our country. we are going to send you back as jay johnson said yesterday. we are going to deport you. that would send a clear message to central america. >> people do not believe him. >> it's not true. they are not going it deport them, period. >> governor huckabee will be joining us very shortly to it talk about all of that and more. >> all right. let me tell you some of the headlines missed while you were sleeping. fox news alert. very scary moments in the middle of the air europe nighted airlines plane loses power over the pacific ocean and forced to make landing on remote island. flight with 350 people on board was headed from honolulu to guam. five hours in and half way across that ocean engines shut off and people on board started to smell a burning smell in the cabin. quick-thinking pilots diverted that plane to a normer u.s. naval station on midway island and another plane was sent in to pick up those passengers. one person is dead and seven others hurt after lightning
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strikes in colorado. the 8 hikers were on a popular trail at rocky mountain national park when fast moving storm rolled in and then the lightning struck killing one woman. seven others were injured. most of the injuries were caused by the strike's impact, including burns and broken bonsz. -- bones. it might have been stress that killed the boyfriend of glee star becca tobin. that's what matt's family is saying this morning. the 35-year-old was working so hard trying to expand his nightclub business that he might have had a heart attack, they say. police confirming there was no evidence that he committed suicide or that he was using drugs. tobin is reportedly in consolable at this point. tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the glee co-star of the cory monteith co-star. that's two individuals. amelia earhardt has landed in oakland and you heard that right. because she is alive. a former news reporter named after the ill fated pilot
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had completed that round or has completed the around the world journey. 16 year trip fanned 14 countries and 28,000 miles. earhardt was happy that she was able to honor her namesake. >> it was amazing we felt like we had her with us. symbolically to taksim cure navigate the globe in an aa single engine aircraft. and those are your headlines. >> pretty brave. speaking of brave. i believe rick reichmuth is maybe getting suited up for -- he is out there on the plaza. >> not yet. but i will be. you are not doing it, right tucker? >> are you kidding? no, not in my contract have a good agent there, tucker. we have rain across the southeast again it's warm and as the day heats up we will see more showers firing
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up. a little bit of severe weather today though across parts of the central plains and unfortunately more rain and northeastern nebraska, parts of iowa, just flooding concerns continue unfortunately there with that heavy rain. also, some beneficial rain across parts of the desert southwest, four corners monsoonal activity has been great this week. a little bit of flooding but they desperately need the rain. here you go. today severe weather across the central plains. tomorrow it slides little bit farther towards the east and across the ohio valley and across the northeast and lower ohio valley. mid atlantic. get ready for wig time cooler air across the northern plains. send it back to you inside. >> let's talk about what everyone is talking about which is lebron james returning to the cleveland cavaliers back to his home state. he was a free agent of course. all of the nba. all of the teams were wondering where they were going to move their players around. where would lebron james go? turns out yesterday is he going back to cleveland and going to take less money to go back to his home state.
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the area that he loves so much. of course, miami, not happy about it. there are people down there burning their lebron james jerseys in miami. like defacing billboards and stuff. >> come on. >> look at that one. >> he brought them two titles by the way. >> good for him though, is he going back to the heartland. cleveland has -- per capita. the republican national convention in 2016 will be held in cleveland. the idea is to move the convention up it a couple months to june. the problem is if the cavaliers make the playoffs, that's suddenly looking a lot more likely the venue for the convention is in use. basketball game there highly likely they will make the playoffs and actually routinely be making the playoffs there if lebron james is there with the younger team. republicans can't catch a break. past few years it seems like the past 8 years actually they have had this issue now with hurricanes, power outages, people can't travel there. remember john mccain had to
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do like the video a message from somewhere during one of the hurricanes at the republican national convention. so now the nba is in their way. >> cleveland has been in the news a lot lately because we have the rnc, now we have lebron james, rock and roll hall of fame inductees that will take place next year in cleveland. >> johnny manziel joining the browns. >> we should move fox over to cleveland. that's where roger ailes is originally from. >> it's a great place. the flats. >> people are so nice there. >> most beautiful suburbs of any place in the country. watching that and hope fiscal cliff we will be there for that rnc. >> when it was announced it was going to be in cleveland. they did say they were choosing between a june date and july date. i guess they goal with a july date now. >> cleveland and dallas. somehow cleveland won. >> ohio is such a pivotal swing state. >> it is. >> lois lerner's days of stonewalling investigations may be numbered. >> on the advice of my counsel, i respectfully exercise my fifth amendment right and decline to answer that question. >> that's been her position
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all along now a second judge is calling on the irs to explain what happened to those missing emails. the leader of the watchdog group against that agency joins us in just a minute. barbie comes to life on the internet is she has a linked in profile and her resume pretty awesome. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em.
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targeting the tea party on the grounds. the answers might incriminate her. now a federal judge is saying stop. it is time to come clean. the irs has exactly one month to explain in writing what happened to lois lerner's emails. thank you for coming on. >> hi, tuck gler pretty frustrating those following along at home trying to get answers from the irs. will this judge's order be the thing that compels them to answer the question? >> most certainly this is a great first step. the judge ordered on thursday. irs within 30 days. i'm not going to give you more than 30 days. tell me under oath so the irs has to go under oath about what happened and, importantly, what steps they are taking to get the records. and after that, we're going to be in front of a
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magistrate judge who is going to be overseeing discussions between judicial watch and the irs about how to get these records. so, this is a remarkable set of rulings that should give hope to those of you at home who are worried that there is nothing that can be done here. woe don't believe the records are really missing. on top of that, you had had a second judge yesterday, also push the irs for information what wept on. the pressure is in congress with independent groups like judicial watch and true the vote yesterday. congress isn't going to it be able to get this info before we will frankly. >> which is shocking. overview here just to remind people at home. the administration could have come up with this information immediately. the president wanted to get to the bottom of it. he could have if he wanted to. he didn't want. put on the screen what this order commands. by august 11th, the judge said, the irs must explain one the crash of lerner's hard drive. two the efforts to produce
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lost information and number three how the treasury ig investigation might effect producing that information. what do you expect we are going to find? >> i expect we are going to find the irs disclose a lot of information that's going to raise more questions about why these documents haven't been produced. it's one thing to say we can't find them here pointing out they may be somewhere else. that's what the key is if indeed these documents have disappeared. is there another way to retrieve them? and there has been no sufficient explanation. certainly nothing under oath. you had the irs commissioner testify to congress the other day. you you know, he is telling what congress what he has been told by his people. the people who know what's going on are now going to have to present to the court under oath. and, on top of that, there is going to be additional investigation through this magistrate judge process. and the judge in our case said, judicial watch, if you don't trust what the irs is saying, if you don't think
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you are getting answers, you can come back to me and maybe i will allow you to submit additional questions, bring people in under oath. >> this is exactly what congress is supposed to constitutionally be doing. but it's been left to judicial watch and the courts thanks for coming on. >> thanks. >> are you being honest with your spouse about money? study says a ton of you are lying: public craze shaming people online who stretch the rules on carry on bags for airplanes. whoa, a little vigilante justice in the skies. courtney scott says great way to be a friendly flier. nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?"
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welcome back, all those bouncing numbers means news by the numbers. how many homes in washington state threatened by wildfire. the blaze already burning 32 square miles between seattle and spokane. fire now 22% contained. next up, 16 hours. that's how long this two-month-old baby was stuck under rubble after a blast in syria. the miraculous rescue is a bright moment in that war torn region. and finally one in three. that's how many people admit to lying to their significant other about money. 10% of those surveyed say that financial deception actually resulted in divorce. ainsley? >> thank you, clayton. >> you have seen these people? look at that picture. that might be you, or have you been that person, an offender, the carry on shame.
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pictures like these popping up all over the social media showing people who are trying to fit as much as they can into their carry on bags just to avoid paying the money and then checking your luggage. how you can avoid the shaming and still pack everything that you need and not to pay that fee? senior editor courtney scott joins us now. everyone in the background. courtney, let's talk about some of the facts first. carry on shame. >> sure. it's important to know the facts. everyone is allowed one carry on bag and one personal item on board. the sizing for domestic carry ons to get your rulers out. about 22 inches by 14 inches by 9 inches. >> people ignore that though. >> they do. they need to know and started measuring their bags. for international travel. varies from carrier to carrier. can be as low as 20 inches and at light as 15 pounds. >> your bag has to be smaller. >> exactly. really important to keep these sizes in mind. i brought four bags along that will help you avoid carry on shame. we are starting with the s 1.
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by flight one. about $195. and look at how spacious it is. it's a soft case. you can -- if you are an overpacker. this is the bag for you. and if you are packing challenged. this is about $98. sort of like a vacuum pack and squeezes down all of your two weeks of clothing into this nice tight. >> you buy that separately. >> buy it separately. >> they come don't with this bag buy it separately. >> this is 22 by 14 by 9. you are not going to go every with this bag. >> that's great. >> for the overpacker. >> retrostyle really great. >> this is the bring x bag pg rolling dufl. this is my bag that i use. fits a ton of stuff in here. nylon really durable. and it squeezes really easily into that overhead bend so you are not cramming in your stuff and embarrassing yourself. 21 inches by 12 and a half. also five pounds. really light. and it's $195. not bad. >> it's a rolling duffy. >> rolling did you duffle.
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>> i traveled for a month in just this bag. >> a month? >> don't overstuff these soft cases because then you are going to be going over size limit. >> what about this one? >> for international travel as i said the rules vary. on the side of caution ogo smaller. 19 inches and only 8 inches in diameter in depth. light as a feather. >> international travel this is perfect. >> opens up, it's a hard case no chance you are going to go over and overstuff and it's a spinner which we love. only $140 on sale right now. >> that's our best deal right now. >> this one is $399. >> for the business traveler it really meets the needs. they special pouches. opens up to reveal a great garment area. these fold out for ties or socks. >> great for the man. >> separate section for everything else. my favorite son the front. this is tsa approved.
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a pocket where you put your laptop and you don't have to take your laptop out of the bag. put it on the conveyor belt and goes through security and that charges up all your gadgets and gizmos. if you are a techy or business traveler, this is the one for you. they all meet the restrictions for size. >> fascinating information. >> courtney scott, good to see you. it's a bullet that doesn't miss. you are looking at what could be the future of modern warfare. and this morning, we are learning what it takes to be some of the toughest members of the military. we are facing off in an obstacle course designed by the navy seal. who is going to win this challenge? ♪ rocking on the radio ♪ free and easy down the road i go ♪ i keep rolling like an old banjo ♪ free and easy down the road i go ♪ got the sun shining on me like a big spotlight ♪pl so i know --
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at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if frustration and paperwork decrease... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care.
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♪ in the good old summertime ♪ in the good old summertime. >> i don't know what it is, but i want it it's your shot of the morning. remote controlled lawn mower. anthony was a major in the marines. he got idea to build a lawn mower with his thumb. he says it has cut his lawn mow are time in half. >> nice. >> that's brilliant. >> there is something to that. >> very impressive. >> if you are an investor, i think you should call him. >> a fox news alert. israel and gaza are on the brink of war this morning. prime minister benjamin netanyahu brushing off cease-fire.
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live at the border of gaza. david, what's the latest? >> just moments ago we saw another rocket fired from gaza. in fact, during the last few hours, militants there have fired off dozens and dozens of rockets. targeting for the most part, southern israel. and as for the israeli military, it continues its air assault on gaza itself. just a short time ago, we got a first-ohand look at israel's possible preparations for an escalation. we're about 100 yards from the gaza border. and at this location you can see already in position our israeli tanks, the armored bulldozers, there are also, of course, israeli troops that have been stationed here it is likely that if there is a ground incursion, these would be the first troops to enter in to gaza. a top priority for any israeli soldiers that enter into gaza would be to destroy the launching
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devices that are used to fire rockets you can see these soldiers preparing as they get the call to enter into gaza. a debate is taking place here in israel. it involves the police dog, the political arena as well as the military. they are trying to determine if in fact a ground incurs is the best way to go. some have argued that continuing the air campaign would be far more effective or certainly equally effective and would not result in as many casualties. as that debate continues. these soldiers continue to prepare to enter into gaza and cross the border. until another development there are local media reports that a possible truce agreement is now in the works. one of the conditions being demanded by some of these prisoners had been released only recently and then rearrested. as for israel's demands, it is calling for an end to the
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rocket fire. what else is on the table at this hour we do not know, back to you. >> david lee miller, live on the border between gaza and israel. david, thanks a lot. >> thanks, david. now to some of your headlines this morning. the georgia dad accused of intentionally leaving his son to die in a hot car is losing support and now losing money. papal has announced that it's going to be giving refunds to anyone who donated money to the justin ross harris fundraising campaign. $22,000 donated. as more evidence come to light including sexting and internet searches about hot car deaths the fund raidser was pulled. harris' wife has now hired a criminal attorney. a beloved high school courtroom found dead in her apartment june 28th. police have not yet revealed about how she has died or any suspects. they did release surveillance images of her shopping coming out of wal-mart. this is a day before her
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body was found. the superintendent of the newton conover city schools where maggie worked said this earlier on "fox & friends." >> as you might imagine, there is a lot of questions. and we have a lot of faith in our police force and our state bureau of investigation from my understanding is involved. we just our trust into the process of them doing the investigation and handling the situation. so, at this point supporting each other. it's like something out of a science fiction movie. >> one shot, following shot with the same location. >> well, the pentagon just releasing this video testing of a self-guided bullet. the military says it will improve sniper effectiveness
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and enhance troop safety. new rounds making it easier to acquire moving targets and eliminate targets with just one shot. and after more than 150 years -- well, i should say after more than 150 careers in her 55 year history. barbie is now showing it all off on her linked in page. mattel creating the social media profile to inspire young girls and encourage them to place no limitations on ambitions. since starting the profile two weeks ago. barbie already has more than 5,000 followers. >> she has had a lot of careers. entrepreneur. >> what was your favorite one? i always figure barbie is going to be arguing glass ceiling. >> you don't like that barbie. >> i like less than barbie. >> business barbie makes 70 cents on the dollar than what men make, what ken makes. >> 72 cents i think it is.
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>> 72 cents. >> kentucky makes a the lot more clearly. let's talk about your weather as you are waking up this morning. big changes coming temperaturewise. take a look at today's high. 82 in minneapolis. 87 in chicago. get ready for big changes. cold air moving into monday and tuesday across the northern plains. 69 on tuesday in chicago was your high. if there is cold some place then we usually have warm some place the nature averages itself out a little bit but go towards the pacific northwest and get ready for incredible heat there fire danger goes on much of this weekend and into next week as well. all right. so, you know, we have had all of these different kinds of events that are taking over the country. and even taking over our plaza at times. we have another one of them here today. there is a brand new one. battle frog. i have got don man and mikely conley. both former navy seals. navy seals in one of these competitions sounds a little bit scary if you can me.
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tell me what this is about. >> it is. battle frog. company designed by navy seals. not scare anybody off. we do have a challenging race with 15-kilometer battlefield race. a tamer race. five kilometer three mile race and one mile race for the children. and we even have a tad poll dash. runs through holding their mother and father's hands. >> elite athlete you say this is entire family event. >> for the whole family. >> tell me what is different than b. this event than some of the others out there. >> we had a great demonstration that we bring in a group of seals that come in and show you how we infiltrate and take down a target. so, and plus we are there to motivate. seals on the ground the entire race. where we are helping people get over obstacles and motivating to get through obstacles and finish the race. >> some of this money, the proceeds go to different charities, don. >> we do support charities navy seal foundation, navy seal veterans and navy seal museum. we give our profits to these
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three charities. these charities support us as well. we are very tied into the seal community. >> clayton is incredibly excited that you are here this morning. he has been ready for one of these obstacle courses. we will be competing against each other at 8:30. don't want to miss that. >> did you say something? >> yes. that's coming up a little bit later in the show. >> i literally can't wait to be a bystander. >> how did you get out of it, tucker? >> out of my contract, baby. does your child need a higher gap? of -- gpa? of course. way to do it. >> american dream becoming more expensive depending on where you live. some states are cheaper than others. where does your safety stack up? we are going to show you you next. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd.
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photograph paragraph quick medical headlines for you. two potentially deadly mistakes forcing the cdc to shut down labs. one of the employees contaminated harmless strain of bird flu with a dangerous strain. dozens of cdc employees were potentially exposed to live anthrax bacteria because of improper handling. exercise 101. new study finding students who joined fitness centers have higher gpas and stay in school lunger. students in healthy and positive environments are happier and therefore form a connection to the school. clayton? >> so working out is good for you? thank you, ainsley. $130,000 a worry year. that's the average cost of achieving the american dream. it turns out that price tag can can differ greatly depending on what state you
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call home. here to explain is travis brown the author of wealth of states how taxes, energy, and worker freedom change everything. travis, great to have you back on the show. >> good morning. >> this american dream we are talking about is broken down into a couple of components as you are going to show us here. what are they? >> in order to afford the american dream according to a "u.s.a. today" report, we are looking at all of the essentials and first screen we know -- show the average cost of median housing across america, along with grocery, car expenses, education. that totals up part of it. we have to go on and look at other things they assume. >> family and summer vacations, entertainment. >> right. different technologies that you might have. and, of course, you move on to what it takes to carry your family and you look at total tax burden, college savings, and even, you know, pension savings there. when you total it all up. you are looking at the ability to see a lot of different things here of
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$130,000. >> wow. >> on average to be living and fulfilling your american dream in america. >> what does that mean to have that american dream? just that you are living comfortably at that spot? >> yes. >> while median incomes may be closer to 51,000. in order to realize and fulfill your american dream, it's going to take at least 130,000 on average. >> that's the average. now, let's break it down by state and see where you would benefit the most in this country or maybe achieve the american dream a little bit more quickly in certain states. >> that's right. the cost to fulfill that american dream does vary greatly by region. in other words, you take those top two items, housing costs and total tax burden, and it does vary based on where you live. we can see whether it's easier to fulfill that american dream in places like florida versus how much harder it is in california. >> what's going on in florida? let's start there. that's the easiest spot in that's the best spot? >> florida is one of nine states that does not have a state price on your work. meaning your state income
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taxes are zero. compared to new york, for example. you score out with affordable housing and affordable tax burden much lower 7% easier. >> 130,000 in florida. jump over here to illinois. >> right. when you are looking at the american dream in illinois, you have taxes relatively high. but affordable housing. and that scores it in making it about 5% easier to fulfill the american dream than the national average. >> so, and it looks like texas is the best state, right? >> texas scores out very high. of course, no personal income taxment one of those nine states and affordable housing there. an average median home price around 130,000. that's very different than the situation out here. look at this. >> so what's going on in california? we know it's a mess. >> california has incredibly high taxes. highest price on work up to 13.3% now.
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and, it's extremely expensive to afford your home. about 52% of the cost of incomeg dedicated to housing. that means the american dream cost at least 142,000 there. relative to the national average. that's about nearly 10% higher. >> we know gas prices there, even going out to a movie is more expensive in california. california hurting. so i guess maybe pick up a move to texas. travis, great to he see you this, no, check out wealth of for more information. thanks. coming up on the show, kids tend to get a few more bumps and bruises during the summer. how do you know it'sed about enough to go to the emergency room? the advice that all parents need to hear. that's coming up next. >> and last week we told the guys what their wives want to hear to keep their relationship alive. well, now we are flipping the script a bit. the top things wives should do, they should be doing for their husbands but they aren't doing them. we will will tell you what they need to. husbands, wake up your wives and make sure they are watching "fox & friends" this morning.
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smell that, fresh. remember that last week. tucker and i got advice about what our wives wanted to hear from us. >> you know, your wives actually called me and told me they wanted me to talk this morning when you get home you are going to really impress them. >> curious mark why my wife had your phone number. we will get that to another segment.
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>> hopefully we can do a segment on what husbands want to hear from their wives. >> we thought that day would never consume. we thought our producers would never aseed to our commands and they did. here is he. back with us. things husbands want to hear from our wives. >> he is the author of all pro dad and president of family first and a marriage and parenting blogger. welcome back, mark. >> you are making me nervous. >> ainsley, good to be with you, and clayton and tucker good to be back with you. are your wives listening. we need to make sure that you hear from them on exactly what they should say to you. >> mark, apparently you have clayton's wife number. why don't you call her and tell her to listen. >> she is watching right now. i will get some nasty text in a moment i'm sure. so let's start off with this. what every husband wants to hear. number one, i'm always on your team. what does that mean. >> well, really every husband wants to hear wife
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is on his team. same side of the ball as him had. when he fumbles the ball she is there with him on the same team. if he moving towards his goal she is there with him on the same team. he just wants to know that she is there. >> that is so true. loyalty is absolutely key and so is respect. i really respect the decision you made you say metropolitan want to hear that? >> yeah. when a guy makes a decision he doesn't want his wife questioning his judgment or abilities. he wants to know that she is behind him 100% and trusts him to make the right decisions for their entire family. >> then mark you say that we are supposed to say this to our husbands. i'm really attracted to you. you are the man. >> and then, mark, should take it a step further. jump in on this. i'm really aa tracted to you. let's get busy, honey. >> right. don't we want to hear that? >> husbands we want to hear from our wives. you are hot. you are the man.
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and, look, not only are women's lacks conscious us too. when that belly starts protruding no longer a six pack we want our wives to check out out, still. >> nice. you say you are a good man and a good husband and i love being your wife. that's pretty sweet. >> yeah. every man wants his wife to admire him. he wants that vote of confidence. that stamp of approval that she really believes in his abilities as a father and as a husband. >> i love this next one. i hope our daughter marries a man just like you. >> i will tell you, when a woman says that to a man what she is really saying nobody can can you know men
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pretty well, mark. those are excellent. >> any that we might want to add to that list? i added the nooky part to the list. >> i think you can emphasize that put a star by that one. all of those are fantastic. how hard is it to say stuff like that? >> >> i think it's really easy. those are all things i want to hear from my wife. in fact, i'm going to hand her this list from my blog when i get home today. >> outstanding husband though in order to get those compliments. >> sure. of course i do. that's why our segment last week. that's where we talked about what wives want to hear from their husband. we're already doing that. >> also. false compliments count. >> they go a long way. i respect you for staying out until 5:00 a.m. >> mark, thank you for telling the truth this morning. i hope everyone at home was paying attention and general hospitals down notes. email us your thoughts this morning at would you add any to the list on this. thanks so much. mark. >> coming up. president obama telling republicans to act urgently on the billions he wants for
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illegal immigrants. now we are learning exactly what that cash will be used for. you may be shocked. we have we bet governor huckabee isn't impressed. he here next half >> think you are past your prime. unscientific celebrity studies. so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you.
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tucker called married at first sight. >> i'm getting married right now to someone i don't know. i'm thinking i just made the worst decision of my life. >> i think i just found my new favorite show. are these people crazy or what? what does this show say about our society getting married on the first date? "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. we will analyze it. >> it's time for "fox & friends." ♪ that tough enough ♪ ain't that tough enough? ♪ and that tough enough? >> that's the question that hangs in the air this morning clayton and rick are they tough enough? we will find out soon. >> the battle frog is set up on our plaza this morning. this big obstacle course, navy seals, of course, are out there doing it now. they set this whole program up. we have got to compete. >> you and i are going to go 8:00 hour.
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i'm 9:00 hour. >> over the wall, under the barb wire. shooting range. >> we just got word that the obstacle course is electrified. >> it is. we lost a cameraman earlier this morning. >> more on that coming up. let's get right to a fox news alert this morning. terror in the skies. united airlines plane loses power over the pacific. it is forced to make emergency landing on remote island. flight with 350 people on board heading to honolulu to guam. five hours in and halfway across that ocean the engines shut off and smell the burning smell in the cabin. quick-thinking pilots diverted the plane to a naval station and on midway island. another plane sent to pick up those passengers. a fox news alert. israel and gaza on the brink of war. new video just in to "fox & friends" shows the moment a rocket hits. [explosion] >> wow, israel brushing off questions of cease-fire with
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more air strikes. one every five minutes according to the military. health officials in gaza say that the death toll rose to more than 120 overnight. and now israeli troops gathering at the gaza border preparing for a ground invasion there. the u.n. is split on what can be done to restore the peace. president obama says he is willing to help the two sides negotiate. >> and the last surviving member of the ramones has died ♪ ♪ >> overnight, tommy ramone the drummer and co-founder of the legendary punk band passed away. he started with johnny in new york back in 1974. inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2002. tommy suffered a long battle with cancer. tommy ramone was 62 years old. think your 20's were your best years? well, think again. because, according to esquire magazine it is age
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42. the magazine ranking a-list celebrities saying this year's most alluring leading ladies are all in their 40s. ravara, cameron diaz. gabriel la union. amy polar. we wanted know what you thought. brian said yet i believe any age is perfect as long as she is happy. things are good. parody says i'm 43 and feel and look better than when i was in my 20's. two kids and two grandchildren later, it's not how you feel physically but also your emotional well-being and perspective on life. wow. looking great. and we even had some amazing pictures. they were sent in to us. check out our beautiful viewer. this is susan. she is showing off her 42-year-old body. obviously fit and looking good. >> we would like to encourage more of our viewers to send in photos like this. >> this is something that has changed since i was a kid. i'm 45. 40-year-old woman very good looking now. you go to the starbucks off
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a dropoff in my neighborhood all the moms in there getting coffee. it's unbelievable in a nice way. >> when you were a kid though you didn't think the 40-year-olds looked. >> there is a greater emphasis on looking well and exercising and maybe there is a little help, you know, too. i don't ask questions. they look great. >> get governor huckabee to weigh in on this. >> let's don't. >> very smart man. i always say governor huckabee one of the smartest people i know and very samardzija to avoid that question. we want to get to you weigh in on what is happening down at the border. crisis continuing there. president obama on friday urging republicans. saying look, this isn't theater. i'm not going down there for photo ops. pass this nearly $4 billion in aid so we can stop the chaos at the border. what do you say? >> well, after six years he still doesn't understand the way that legislation is crafted. he has this idea that it's nonpartisan if he just throws something out and says here it is. take it or leave it my way or the highway. and he has given republicans this ultimatum rather than really what i would call a
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proposal. there is no proposal here. what he has thrown out is let's spend almost $4 billion and let's just accommodate the mistakes we have made. let's go ahead and continue to make the same mistakes when he goes to the cock and says let's do the most important thing. let's secure that border. let's at least close back door and let's quit making fools of ourselves with our policies. then i think he may be able to sit down with the republicans and negotiate. i think republicans ought to say, mr. president, when you are serious, when you are wanting to do something more than go and have a barbecue with some people for the cameras, then give us a call. right now you are not even being serious about dealing with a real serious issue. >> if you take a look where that money can going to the 3.7 billion. so much is going to education, housing, healthcare, food for -- >> -- lawyers. >> and lawyers, exactly. legal help. why the hesitance to fortify the border itself? nobody doubts that the border in israel has
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protected israel. >> it has changed the whole complexion. they went from having 1,000 suicide bombers a year to zero. >> exactly. >> and we paid for that. u.s. dollars helped build that wall. the same people who appropriated that money to build the wall in israel saying it wouldn't work here. what is that? >> didn't we also -- hasn't it already been appropriated here in the united states that money 10 years ago was appropriated for a wall here in the united states? where is all that money. >> wiz bang technology we have checking out your phone calls. between a physical fence and electronic monitoring and all different ways of monitoring that border it is inexcusable for us to say there is nothing we can do. that is nonsense. by the way, ernest, former oklahoma congressman. did he a survey and found out if he bought airline tickets for all these people come over illegally in the last few weeks that you could save 99.5% of the cost that the president is suggesting because
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$29.5 million would buy airline tickets to send everybody back home. and you would get a lot of frequent flier miles. >> you could send them first class for 4 million. >> the point is less than -- like 5% less or half a percent less than it's going to cost for the president's proposal, which is, you know, let's just see what we can do to atom indicate our failure. >> i want to ask you something because we are watching the news this week. jesse jackson speaking in chicago. he is saying we should take care of these kids and as a minister he feels sorry for these kids. he says what about the kids here in chicago? what about our local kids. let's listen to what he he says. >> i think getting support to those children in humanitarian crisis right thing to do. resources very important. i think even glenn beck said sending food and water and right thing. also a crisis in chicago. it's not either it's both. we cannot turn our backs on those children here. a thousand have been shot this year. 200 killed.
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several hundred thousand. to me comprehensive mr. here as well. we have a crisis at home. maybe much of what has happened and maybe abandon urban america. >> faith based progressive. you were a pastor and governor. i want to ask you how do we balance this our christian faith or whatever your faith might be helping kids but also what about our kids here at home. >> america is a great country. we are not go going to let these kids starve and widthner disease. the real question is when people ask about the christian responsibility, as a believer, it is my christian duty to try to help people. not my christian throughout to say government, do what i should be doing. the question is if churches and they should all demonstrations and faiths should -- denominations and faiths. the government is not a charitable organization. i hate to be so blunt. the purpose of government is to secure and protect the
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people of that nation. it's the purpose are the nation and good hearted people to do the charitable work. the reason we are so screwed up in this country is because frankly a lot of believers have robbed god of a dime out of a dollar and never paid their tithes so the widows and orphans are being taken care of by the government who does a really lousy job of it. it should be that the charitable work is done by the churches. but the security work ought to be done by the government. so the government ought to do what it ought to do and say churches, we need your help down here on the border. that's what ought to be done. >> i want to ask you something. there has been a lot of comparisons to katrina. the response to katrina. you as governor of arkansas took in a lot of refuse agrees from katrina. >> 7 a thousand in three days. >> what are some of the hurdles you faced dealing with the crisis at the time. >> it was unbelievable avalanche of human people who came to us with literally the clothes on their back and nothing else worst thing we could do is congress grey gait them
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together. move to the astrodome in these massive locations. that's a huge mistake to make. because when you put people together, if one person gets sick. everyone around them starts getting sick and now you have got a serious health issue on your hands. if one person gets in a fight it, can turn into a right. here is what i did. i called in all the faith groups. this was one of those moments where i said lack i need every faith leader and every girl scout and boy scout leader. i brought them. in the camps had just closed for the season they hadn't been winterized i need your camps. i want your church camps, your scout camps, we are going to bring people. in we will cover it but you need to you staff them. they had showers, they had beds. they had kitchens, they had play grounds. they were self-contained. people weren't going to diveted in and bother them. they weren't going to get out and terrorize the community. they were spread all over the state. that way no one community had to deal with the education, with the human services issues. no one county had to deal with all of the very complex problems with people who
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didn't have id or kids enrolled in school. possessions insurance card. nothing. concentrated when you do begging for problems and health and security worked beautifully. >> really really smart. who is coming up for the show today. >> jon voight is going to be on the show tonight. i highly recommend watching it. when he was with us in 2010, he made some bold, provocative predictions about barack obama's administration. well, they have come to be true. he will be back on tonight. we also have bennett from the israeli government. he is the minister of economy. he will be with us giving us a first hand insight into what's happening there. dennis michael lynch has been on the border. powerful show. 8 p.m. eastern. >> thanks, governor. >> good to see you as always. >> she is accused of shooting up a google executive with heroin and leaving him to die. and might not have been the first time. she has done something like
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this. new 911 calls next. >> and it's like a scene straight out of an action movie. a guy about to jump over a lamborghini speeding at over 100 miles per hour. so what happens next? we will show you. ér@c7=j5
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you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. take the next step. talk to your doctor. this is humira at work. new coppertone clearlysheer ugh sunscreens.. barely noticeable and face-friendly for beach,pool and sunny days. perfect, no matter what you're wearing. it's so on. coppertone clearlysheer. it's on. now to developing story. the call girl cops called ice cold is suspected, of course, of the goggle executive. she is now being investigated for the 2013 death of her ex-boyfriend, too. we have got new 911 calls that have just been released in that case. listen. >> tell me exactly what
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happened. >> i don't know. i think my boyfriend overdosed or something. like he is won't respond. and is he just lying on the ground. i don't know. >> okay. and are you with the patient now? [dial tone] >> the call girl alex tichelman hangs up but the dispatch every calls back. >> why do you think there is an overdose? >> because there is nothing else it could be. >> okay. accidental or intentional? >> i think, oh, definitely accidental. accidental. >> so, both men died of heroin od's just two months apart. here to weigh in on the case former homicide detective rod wheeler. thanks for coming on this morning. >> thank you. good to see. >> you pretty sure in the second case this was not accidental, remind our viewers why we think that. >> there was video on the yacht where the google executive had this call girl and so when the police
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started looking at the video, months after this guy had died, they noticed some of the actions of this woman, alex tichlman. they started putting two and two together. they said her actions after this guy died was very unusual. they started looking at that and then they got -- garnered enough information to actually charge her with manslaughter that action is probably going to be changed to felony homicide of the first degree. new information coming out. the other thing, tucker, that's really interesting is that they looked at that case with this google exec and then prudently as police investigators do, they say well, let's look at some other individuals that this woman has been involved with. and so they started looking at her past buy friends and lo and behold last year her former boyfriend died, tucker, the exact same way. this is interesting for the viewers. the exact same way that the google executive died. and so now the police in milton, georgia, are looking at that case again and
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probably going to charge this woman with his death as well. >> well, that does suggest a pattern. it doesn't however, suggest an intent. what do you suppose the motive would have been if, in fact, she killed both of these guys? >> well, that's an excellent question, tucker. i have been asked that by several others as well. we don't know the exact motive yet. now, keep in mind, tucker, that a lot of times when you deal with serial killers. you you don't always determine what the motive is behind that person's actions. that may be the case here. however, what we do know, is that this woman probably contributed to the death of some of these guys. you know, the first guy last year that died of the heroin overdose, she had been dating that guy for over two years. her argument if she is charged with this murder is going to be well why would i decide to do something now, especially if she didn't have an insurance policy on this guy. these are things that are definitely going to come out. >> we should also note that this guy was advertising on a web site -- tichelman
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advertising on a web site woman seeking sugar daddy. beware. >> and, tucker, she was checking internet supervisors to try to find out how to commit homicides and murders and then leave the scene clean. >> people are so stupid. rod wheeler, thunk for joining us. >> thank you, tucker have. a nice day. >> the more you drive, the more you have to pay. democratic lawmaker wants to tax you for every mile you drive. we have details on that proposal coming up. kids tend to get a few more bumps and bruises during the summer. how do you know if it's bad enough to go to the emergency room? our expert has advice all parents need to hear. stay tuned for that. in the nation, it's not always pretty.
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add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance... ...and we'll replace destroyed or stolen items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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confined to his home ebletion september when going to church, the doctor and the grocery store. where else would he go? he is charged with second degree murder and has pled not guilty claiming self-defense. what if the government taxed you you for every mile that you drive. that's oregon congressman blumeen plan. tax every mile. claim it would be unfair to drivers in rural areas. >> thank you, clayton. we all get a few cuts and bruises now and then. especially during the summer. sometimes it can be hard to tell if we can treat them on our own or if we need to go to the er. joining us now is our er
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nurse practitioner erin tolbert with at homes trips. how to tell if your injuries are serious enough to go to the hospital. good morning, erin. >> thanks for having me, ainsley. >> thank you. summer's most dangerous month because the kids are home from school. playing around outside. cuts, strains, burns, this time of year. you name it we see it in the emergency department. kids arelying outside. they are doing things like the obstacle course we have out here. >> you and i are doing later. >> exactly. they are getting hurt. we see a lot of injuries. but, 70% of er visits are actually unnecessary there is a lot of things take care of home. >> first child go it the er. fourth child tell them to go find a band-aid. cuts at home. what do we do if your child is cut. how do you treat it? >> first thing you want to do if you are cut is run it under cool water for two minutes, gets all the germs, the dirt out. while you are doing, this
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evaluate the cut, how deep is it, how long is it is if it is less than six million meters deep and size of pencil eraser you can treat it at home. >> that deep i would have taken my child to the er when do you know to get it to the er. >> if you can't get it to stop bleeding after 10 minutes of compression go to the er. have any problem moving the site of the area that could be tendon. if you have any numbness or weakness to the area cut the finger and end of the finger you can't feeling it you would want to go to the emergency department that could be a sign of nerve injury. >> you mentioned you see a lot of injury with sprains. >> we do. >> how do we know he to treat it at home or go to the er. >> sprain look at the injury. if not excessive swelling or bruising. if you can move the injured body part, you can probably treat it at home. want to use the rice method.
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rice. rest then ice it, don't apply ice directly to the skin. use a barrier like a towel or a cloth. want to compress the area with an ace wrap and elevated it above the heart. get the arm. get that leg up so that the swelling can drain out of that area. >> how would you know when it's time to go to the er with a sprain? >> same thing with cuts. if there is numb news or tingling or can't feel the injured body part you would want to go to the emergency room. if you see a deformity or looks swollen or bruised beyond what you would imagine, it could be broken. come to the emergency department. we see a the lot of these. we're theme do x-ray to rule out a fracture, broken bone and treat it there as well next topic, burns. how do we know how to treats them at home first of all. >> i treat once with a lot of caution. there can be be serious consequences. proceed with caution at home. do you want to run the area under cool water. if you have just some superficial redness, kind of it hurts. sort of like a sun burn, that's a first degree burn.
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can you treat those at home very easily. put on aloe investor ravment if you have a little bit of blistering and the area is smaller than about the size of a business card, can you treat that at home. that's a second degree burn. same thing. run it under cool water. cover it loosely with gaza to provide protection from germs. if you have skin that's white, black, or charred looking, this is a third degree burn and this is definitely a medical emergency. we seen in the emergency department for. this even maybe a burn center referral. >> good. great tips. thank you so much. do the obstacle course outside. >> stay tuned. >> thank you. glad if i sprained my ankle you will be here to help me. >> coming up out of nowhere. a man tries to kidnap a little girl right off the street. but there was unlikely hero there to save her life, thank goodness. and this morning, we are learning what it takes to be some of the toughest members of the military. we're going to be facing off in an obstacle course designed by navy seals. who is going to win?
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it looks like rick. is he getting a head start. many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste. but they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day.
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>> my name is clayton morris, andistic here for -- and i have been here for a while ♪ i fell in to a burning ring of fire ♪ down, down, down ♪ until the flames getting higher ♪ and it burns, burns, burns ♪ a ring of fire ♪ a ring of fire. >> ladies and gentlemen, clayton. [cheers] >> very well played, clayton. very good.
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>> that's your shot of the morning. clayton morris singing johnny cash, ring of fire. country star scottie mccreery rocked the plaza yesterday. you know what? you are really good. >> i practice in the shower all the time. >> that's like 40 years of marlboro red did that. >> many people wondering what i'm doing with my legs showing today. this is going to be my new outfit on the weekends. >> i like it. you are from reading, pennsylvania. getting rid of suit and ties on the weekend. are you game for that. >> i'm totally game especially if i get the. >> fire new balance. >> send clayton over there to warm up? >> about to do that in the battle frog competition here in moments. i'm going to go get ready. >> good luck. >> all right. now to some of your headlines. we have new developments in the crash that involved actor tracy morgan. is he now suing wal-mart. the crash critically injuring morgan and three others and then killed his friend. the suit claims that wal-mart should have known that its driver hadn't slept in 24 hours loading up to
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that new jersey accident. in a statement, the company is, quote, committed to doing the right thing for all involved. one person is dead and three others are hurt after a small plane crash and then it burst into flames. look at the wreckage there. the plane's engine died shortly after takeoff from greenwood south of indianapolis. it hit one house and skid in the backyard. stopping before it hit another house. two quick-thinking people were able to pull out the co-pilot for that plane before it burst into flames. did survive. the pilot died in that fire. two people on the ground were also hurt from downed power lines. a salt lake city teenager fights off a kidnapper twice her size all to protect her 12-year-old niece. police say that the man is trying to snatch the young girl as the two were walking home from the park. but the aunt wasn't about to let that happen. >> as soon as i hit him, he dropped her. and then he went into the vehicle. and when she was on the ground. not even five seconds when she was on the ground.
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i grabbed her, picked her up, and started running. >> the wanna be kidnapper is still on the loose. and watch this: this is video, it's gone viral. that could have ended very badly. >> wow. that yellow lamborghini is travel at 80 miles per hour. the man in that video known as al the jumper says he visualizes the jump in his head and when the car is about 9 feet in front of him that's when it's time to jump. talk about fast calculation and fast car. i guess you you would need that in that situation. those are your headlines, rick, i'm told to hand it over to you. are you competing now? >> yeah. in just a second. i'm going to do the weather first. we will see if i can do the weather. i'm still out of breath after going over that fence five minutes ago. not a good sign. look at the weather map. across areas of the northeast. see some spotty showers. nothing that's going to
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cause problems for anybody today. tomorrow, more significant weather comes in across the western side of the northeast. down to the southeast again, we will see some spotty showers, florida, you you will see those sea breeze storms firing in the afternoon. a very warm day. get ready because even in oklahoma. you are going to cool down this week and in the 70s. going to feel like fall. very nice. nebraska, south dakota, minnesota. iowa, into wisconsin. some of that could be severe. talking about very strong winds today. out across areas of the west. the heat continues 108 in phoenix and we're going to see some of those thunderstorms, again, across areas of the four corners. all right, clayton, you changed clothes again? >> i did. i wear many hats. >> waiting for this all day. the competition is about to begin. battle frog it's called between two really the fiercest competitors at fox. [ laughter ] >> both of whom battling chronic injuries not going to name them specifically. you are doing this at personal cost. >> long standing feud between clayton and i about six years. >> are you nervous?
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how are you feeling. >> i'm terrified. crawl under barb wire here. >> barb wire without the bausch. >> -- barb. >> you guys created. this navy seals. basically legit. northbound go over the a frame ladder to the the cargo net. up and over the 12 foot rope wall. run back here. whoever comes first. >> clayton, if you take the last one on the rope wall, it's easier. >> the last one all the way down. take off your mike and everything. >> countdown? >> i will keep that. >> are you ready? >> tucker, you want to count them down? >> no. are you kidding? ladies first. >> 3, 2, 1. >> good luck.
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there you go. go, go, go. let's go guys, let's go. nice, guys. [cheers] >> what was the hardest part? >> the rope. i don't know. [ laughter ] >> that's not a puddle of water. that's actually diesel fuel.
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>> yuck. >> we appreciate you running on our shortened course this morning. we look forward to seeing you guys august 2nd in the tri-state area. if you want to do this soon next saturday we will be in the. >> no. >> what was the hardest part for you you? [breathing heavy] >> probably going over this. >> that's a good technique. >> fortunately i already have children so it wasn't anything there. >> shot to death by the enemy. >> right. i figured there were no nazis figuring on me beaches of normandy. >> catch your breath, clayton. >> you have pulled anything? >> i i might have pulled something. is there a doctor in the house? >> next segment on what exactly the injuries were from that. congratulations? fantastic. >> congratulations, guys. coming up, you have heard of this show? married at first sight? you have heard of this? --
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have you heard of this? >> i'm getting married right now to someone i don't know. i'm thinking i just made the worst decision of my life. >> so are those people crazy? what does this kind of show say about our society? >> and centers for disease control is supposed to help fight sickness and disease. right now the agency is spreading them. it's already happened twice. we have got details on the scandal at the cdc. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain
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. . .
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stop stories on web site for your health. first up, two potentially deadly mistakes forced the cdc temporarily to shut down two atlanta research labs and one of those labs employees accidently contaminated the harmless strain of bird flu with a very dangerous strain. and in the other, dozens of cdc employees may have been exposed to live anthrax bacteria because of improper handling. and one other -- want another trick to beating jet lab in eat carbs. releases insulin. if you need sleep make sure room is pitch dark and eat tons of carbs and sugars if you need to stay awake go out into the sunshine. >> reality shows creating quite a buzz including this one. dating naked. take a look. >> usually it takes me three or four days to see my girl naked.
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this is such a timesaver. >> and if you thought that was weird. check out this one. married at first sight. >> i'm getting married right now to someone i don't know. i'm thinking i just made the worst decision of my life. >> all right. so what the heck do these shows say about our culture? here now to weigh in on this. miss new york u.s.a. 2013 and co-host of red eye joanne and then the co-host of fox business network the independence foster and social media expert frankie. thanks for being with us, guys. >> thank you. >> what do you all think about these shows first of all hand what does this say about our society. joanne, started with you. >> i love it they know what the people want. we want something outrageous. that's why i will keep tuning in to these shows. yeah. if people watch it, they will keep producing it this dating naked one though, they should really retitle
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it. it should be sun burnt and vulnerable. >> [ laughter ] >> that's what everyone will be at the end of this season. >> or i want to be famous. >> yeah. >> where are these finding these people that are willing to go. these reality shows at first it was like the housewives and now we are going to the extreme. people dating naked. people getting married without meeting their spouse. what do you think? >> look. they find these people because i have friends in the industry and i did a reality show. >> you have been on two reality shows, right? >> right. did i vh 1 tough love. it took three weeks of convincing me to do it and finally i said i would do it because they many -- they were filming five blocks from my apartment. >> did you real estate get doing it. >> no. >> thought i was going to be right for the role and it worked out pretty well. the girl they sent me up with was willing to marry me after meeting me two seconds. >> that one girl that you saw in the video that is marrying someone she doesn't know jamie ottis. first guy she has been on
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bachelor, bachelor pad. do you think she is seeking fame? what do you think. >> maybe so. she may also be looking for love. this happens. people get hooked um on eharmony or something like that. arranged margets are not new, right? they have been around for long time. i know people in arranged marriages and who seem to be happy. so who knows. >> the difference there is this is their choice. some of these arranged marriages people don't have a choice. >> this is an upgrade. >> because in the traditional sense or maybe it's not really traditional, but back in the day when there were arranged marriages the parents chose because, based on your values and based on the way you have raised your kids. in this situation, it's like vh 1 choosing or the naked -- the dating naked is on vh 1 that's going to premier on july 17th. and the other one married at first sight is on fyi. >> so the girl said i'm ready to get married.
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i'm going to find my future husband on this show. i think that's insane. there are those people. i have met them firsthand. some people just want -- i have met those crazy people that they are in it for love like honest to goodness not for fame. they honestly want to get married and they think these producers have their best interest at heart. >> they just want to make money. >> they just want to make money and entertain us. >> what about do any of you have children. >> no. >> when do you have kids, none of us have children and we can laugh about this. people watching that do have kids. i don't want my kids can watching someone dating naked. i want, i mean, look at this. you are not even supposed to seat naked body the first days i don't think. >> i think it devalues, i don't know, what is so precious about relationships and about marriage, the fact that these people are just so willing to take off their clothes and just get married at first sight. so i just worried about kids thinking this is the norm. really, it's not. >> right. i know. what does it say about our
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society. pretty scary, i think. >> thanks so much, guys, for being with us. good to see you all. >> the president hasn't visited the border or made any moves in iraq. but his post for several op.s this week. in the last leg of his term. has he given up on his legacy? fair and balanced debate coming up straight ahead. what's in a name? apparently a lot considering duke university is suing john wayne university first name duke. really? more on that lawsuit straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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john wayne's heirs locked in a legal battle with duke
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university over their right to market bourbon with the duke's name. nice to see both of you. what is going on here? they want to use the name duke which has long been associated with john wayne and they can't. >> no. duke doesn't own the name "duke" for every single purpose. here comes john wayne's family who want to market this whiskey. great. look at the two -- look at duke the label on the whiskey and duke university. there is no likelihood of confusing the two which is the standard for any trademark. >> there is no way they look the same. >> i think maybe the lawyers for duke university have some time on their hands. but in their defense, we are dating ourselves a little bit. >> you might be. >> duke now, a 30-year-old, they don't know john wayne. when my friend makes a ramble
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reference to the 22-year-old waitress she had no clue what she was talking about. you think of a team that won all these national championships. they need to protect their image. >> you just made my point. there is no way to confuse duke the whiskey. >> ethan wayne, his son, was on "fox and friends" and says the suit is ridiculous. >> i think it's a preposterous claim by the university that somehow someone is going to look at this label and be confused as to whether this was duke university or duke wayne. >> this idea if i had a company called clayton's company and someone has another name and they want clayton whiskey what right do i have to say you can't use your name in a commercial process? >> you probably don't. >> do you have a copyright issue
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here? trademark? >> we are still allowed to call apples, apples. there is applebees. >> however, apple records, the beatle got in a big legal battle for years. >> i do agree with the wayne heirs. i don't think anybody is going to get confused. it is alcohol. it's not like a clothing label. there is a little bit -- they are protecting their image. the lawyers for duke may have too much time on their hands. they get paid annually no matter how much work they do or don't do. it's getting them all kinds of exposure. they are on "fox and friends" on a saturday morning. >> duke university does to the object to the use of "the duke" on liquor or other products that unmistakenly connect john wayne. this is ability to use the name "duke" without an explicit connection to mr. wayne which duke university opposes because
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of potential confusion. >> there might be a lot of whiskey drinking on the duke campus, but there will be no whiskey-making. >> this is all about "the." "the duke." as opposed to "duke." >> i'm glad arthur wore his duke colors. >> "married naked." we want to meet the first time naked and get married. can we do that show? >> no. we have to go to commercial. >> son of a gun. sorry. >> you guys can get naked in the commercial break. coming up on the show, the battles in the middle east getting bloodier by the day like this. why are we sending our soldiers pink slips? last week told you about the guys, what their wives want to hear to keep the relationship alive. now we are flipping the script. the top things wives should be
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doing for their husbands but aren't. ♪ in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem.
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just another way we put members first, because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. nationwide is on your side.
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good morning to you. today is saturday, july 12th. we are going to start with a fox news alert. terror in the skies. a united airlines flight packed with hundreds of people forced to make an emergency landing in one of the most remote places in the world. what went wrong? as the situation on the border grows worse, one mother demanding answers from obama. >> when you start breaking the law, there is no reason to keep those people here. i'm furious that the federal government allowed this criminal to stay in this country and kill my son. >> her son was killed by an illegal alien. it wasn't the first time he committed a felony. he was never d
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killed. last week we told the guys what their wives want to hear to keep the relationship alive. now flipping the script to top things wives should be doing for their husbands, but they are not doing them. scientific study. are you guys doing this for your husband? no, they are not. "fox and friends" hour four starts right now. it's time for "fox and friends." between rick, last hour's competition between rick and clayton, oh, my gosh. like a spry cat up that wall. battle frog, a navy seal designed obstacle course. the toughest we had on the plaza. was that the hardest? >> well, you think i'll just jump over and you think, no,
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i'll. break my ankle. i did rip my leg on that rope. are you going to be wearing this? >> no, i'm not, clayton. >> if you missed that, it's on you. >> you were losing at first. then you gained momentum going over. >> you know where i gained momentum was on the gun range. i fired three successive pellets bam, bam, bam, and rick missed a few shots. >> you were merciless with the paintball. >> dead eye. i accidentally shot a rhino at the same time. >> don't post the pictures on facebook. we've got sad news for you at home when you believed the president when he said he was intently watching and concerned about the disaster on our southern border. yesterday he publically called republicans out for not approving almost $4 billion, his request, to what he described to secure the southern border. he says we need the money now.
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$3.7 billion. turns out that money will not be going to building a border wall. it will instead be going largely to social services for those illegals here in the country, for schooling, health care, food, housing, and yes, lawyers. >> all that money going to those services when they should be shipped back home. it's about $67,000 per illegal immigrant coming into this country. whether or not the president is going to go down to the border or not, that question has been answered. the president will not be going down to the border. he did some other photo opes getting barbecue and such. he did send his secretary of homeland security jay johnson to the border to tell folks, don't come into this country, we are going to send you back. listen. >> sending you back is consistent with our laws and we are building additional capability to do that quicker and safely.
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>> that's absurd. if you believe that, we have a bridge. "wall street journal" did an analysis yesterday of last year's numbers. 50,000 people came here illegally under wage. do you know how many were actually sent back? 1,300. half didn't bother showing up for court. they stayed. out of 50,000, 1,300 went home. remember that next time they tell you, we are going to send these people back, no, they are not. >> sounds scary. this mom's son was killed by an illegal immigrant. >> people who are coming here looking for jobs and who are wanting to make a difference in their life, i support them. this is what this country is made of. when you start breaking the law, there is no reason to keep those people here. i'm furious that the federal government allowed this criminal to stay in this country and kill my son. >> illegal immigrant was driving the wrong side of the road for 35 miles in arizona when he plowed head-on in a head-on
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collision killing her son. >> he was drunk at the time, too. >> the illegal immigrant was drunk at the time. this raises other questions new. you are here illegally, how do you register your car in the state? also this is a story we've been following on fox news. once the story broke late in the week about army captains. about 1,100 army captains while still deployed, these are the people leading our other men and women on the battlefield.
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these are tactical commanders who know the battlefield well. they received pink slips in the mail back home letting them know when you come back, you won't have a job. you're done. we know drawdowns are unfolding, we are drawing down the size of our military who would have thought the very people protecting our country would be getting pink slips while they are in theater right now fighting for our country? a west point graduate, former army captain who served in iraq was on our so earlier and he is furious. >> commanders have hundreds of soldiers underneath them, they are responsible for. they get this notice, they are taking care of shoulder issues and addressing their needs on a daily basis while they have a pink slip. >> the army is a massive institution. it's huge. there are a lot of people you could lay off. a lot of nonessential people. instead laying off battlefield officers, junior officers, the
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very people around who wars turn. these are the guys in the end are responsible for winning or losing. they are the ones getting fired while they are still in a war zone. >> we heard from one mother who said he is over there fighting for his country and we are worried about him losing his life. now we worry about providing for our family. >> they should work for the dmv or the irs. you'll never be fired. i need to tell but a fox news alert. united airlines plane lost power over the pacific ocean, forced to make an emergency landing on a remote island. it had about 350 people onboard heading from honolulu to guam. the engines shut off and a burning smell filled the cabin. quick-thinking pilots diverted that plane to a former u.s. naval station on midway island. another plane was sent to pick up all the passengers.
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a shock ride for 170 people onboard a frontier airline flight. that plane heading from denver to seattle diverted to salt lake city after getting struck by lightning. the plane's weather radar was damaged in that strike. no one onboard was hurt. after a few repairs, the plane was back in the air landing safely in seattle. >> mounting pressure on the irs to explain what happened to the missing e-mails belonging to lois lerner. a second judge ordering the agency to testify under oath after the conservative group filed suit. the judge wants to see an affidavit explaining what happened to lerner's hard drive. the agency claims her computer crashed in 2011. a day earlier a judge gave the irs 30 days to testify about the lost e-mails. judicial watch president tom finton said this earlier on "fox and friends." >> this is a remarkable set of
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rulings that should give hope to those of you at home who are worried that there is nothing that can be done here. we don't believe the records are missing. the pressure is in congress with independent groups like judicial watch yesterday. congress isn't going to get this info before we will. >> the irs has until august 11th to come forward with that information. it's a bird, it's a plane? no, it's the supermoon. the celestial phenomenon happens when the moon is closest to the earth and makes a full moon appear closer than normal. one is august 10th, the day before the irs has to come forward with e-mails and september 9th.
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>> rick reichmuth standing by. >> i am sticking in a t-shirt. i'm going to keep on promoting the battle frog competition. navy seals. we are joined by a great group of students from china. tell me what you are doing here? >> we are participating in a program called chinese youth development program. we will study for a lot of courses here in columbia university. >> welcome. we are so happy that you're here. take a look at your weather maps as you are waking up this morning. rain showers down across parts of northern areas of florida. we'll see the sea breeze develop and you get thunderstorms again. rain showers heavy, unfortunately, this morning across parts of south dakota and iowa, minnesota, and later on today. some of that is going to be severe. four corners seeing monsoonal activity. we had good rain so far. we need to continue to get more of that.
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today here is where our severe threat is. get ready tomorrow. that moves in across parts of the ohio valley and interior parts of the northeast. back to you. >> thanks, rick. this is a very important segment. wives watching this segment, pay attention. last week we shared what wives want to hear from their husbands. this week it's what husbands really want to hear from their wives. >> it's so interesting. we had an expert on the subject. the very first thing he listed, the thing more men want to hear is i'm always on your team. loyalty. that's what men want most of all. >> when you are out there on the front lines, you want to know back home or wherever that you've got that support. >> she's on your side. >> then he says, i really respect the decision you made. that's what the man needs to hear from the wife. i respect you. >> ladies, do you tell that to your husbands a lot?
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>> do you? >> no. >> is there a lot of embarrassment back there. i'm really attracted to you. you're the man. does she say that to you? >> there are crickets out here. >> this it something you don't just say but you act on. >> words only go so far. >> a lot of you e-mailed us. ima looking forward to reading some of these. karen says, if i were to say all of these things, i would be asked what i was up to. >> i doubt it. he would just be pleased. >> i do not mind you go hunting all week. i'd love to sit and watch the game with you. i would be happy to get you another beer. >> jim likes that one. >> mandy writes, i have been married 24 years and i say those phrases to my husband. he is the man. i respect him so much. they've been married 24 years. >> all right, mandy. >> i like mandy. >> you guys going to start doing this? good. i'm glad we changed hearts and
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minds this morning. coming up, the president hasn't visited the border, or made any moves in iraq, but posed for several photo opes this week. has he begin up on his presidency? a fair and balanced debate coming up. did stephen spielberg really kill this tricertops? no, of course not. that didn't stop the internet. people are furious. ♪
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stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor.
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president obama headed cowan to texas this week but stopped just short of the mexican border
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where all the drama is taking place. he stopped in a barbecue joint while texas governor rick perry toured the border. has president lost interest in his presidency. here to debate it deputy secretary of the rnc rafael williams and radio talk show host richard fowler. thanks for joining us this morning. i want to put up on the screen a picture that captures the spirit of the president's second term. there he is at a photo op yesterday looking moments from passing out. does this sum it up? >> yeah. i think when you are looking at this photo, he is saying he is going to talk to real americans to hear what they have to say, but this shows he has no interest in actually listening to the american people. he is escaping d.c. because he is so powerless and what he says has no weight here. he abdicated his presidential responsibilities. >> he is not really trying. yesterday he gave an address, talk, about how congress needs to approve almost $4 billion for border security. he attacked republicans right in
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the middle of his statement. this is not the posture of a guy who wants to see this happen, is it? why would he attack republicans as he is trying to win their support? >> i think if you look at this president's history for quite a bit of time you see he is committed to immigration reform. that is the most important thing. as he said in his press conference a couple days ago, he said i'm here to solve the problem. solving the problem, we need to work on comprehensive immigration reform. >> comprehensive immigration reform entails border security, which he ignored. if he wanted to get a bill through congress and bipartisan fashion, you would have to because the house is run by republicans, you have to make deals and talk to people and go golf with them and do what every other president in my lifetime has done and he's done none of it. >> even with the humanitarian crisis at the border, he requested nearly $4 billion. it's a blank check.
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he had those four vague ideas of things he wanted to do. border security was not first. it wasn't deploying national guard. if he was taking his job as president seriously he would have put national guards on the border and at so he is not getting a blank check. when you hand him a blank check he handsles it irresponsibly. >> i think this president is clear on what he wants to do at the border. i think he also made it clear the reason we are in this situation is a lot of our immigration staff and a lot of our law enforcement staff are working on implementing or trying to get illegal immigrants that are already in the country and they are not on the border. if we have comprehensive immigration reform and pathway to citizenship, then we have the ability to move those resources back to the border. >> hold on. here is a simple question, richard. all these immigrants are coming through mexico and coming by train. with one phone call the president could say to the
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president of mexico, knock this nonsense off right now. mexico needs us. the. has not done that. what is the answer? give me a simple answer for that. >> this is not going to be a short-term fix. we need a long-term fix to fix our immigration system. it's been broken. it hasn't been fixed since ronald reagan. >> why doesn't he tell him to stop doing it? >> it's beyond of government of mexico. a lot of the young children aren't from mexico. they are from central america via mexico. >> sadly, we are out of time. i was this close to getting an answer. richard, i appreciate you coming on. she got a modeling contract after this photo of her cheering at the world cup appeared on the internet. then she lost it all because of this picture showing her hunting animals. what do you think of that? where does our food come from? we'll debate it. they've taken television by storm helping you fix up your house. down to the foundation of the "property brothers." so what's this?
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check it out. i just saved 15% on car insurance in 15 minutes, so i took a selfie to show everyone how happy i am. really? because esurance saved me money in half that time. can i...? oh you can be in it! no need to photo-bomb me. hashbrown. selfie. yeah... that's not how it works. 15 minutes for a quote isn't how it works anymore. start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on
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car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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welcome back. quick headlines for you. remember this incredible video? drone flight through the fireworks on the fourth of july. faa is investigating. drones are supposed to stay under 400 feet and within the operator's sight. >> l'oreal telling this beauty she is not worth it. she scored a modeling contract after this photo went viral at the world cup. she then shot one commercial before she was fired, which happened days after she posted this picture on facebook posing next to a big game kill in
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africa. coincidence? we'll leave it up to you. they are the dynamic duo of real estate. they are known as the property brothers. they have three of the top rated shows on hgtv. "brother versus brother" is having its season finale tomorrow night. >> team drew jumped into action, but quickly ran into problems. meanwhile, at team jonathan's house, peggy and plans were off to a shaky start. >> we have a problem. every one of these walls going this way is low bearing. it's going to be a long night. >> they are taking a break from renovation to join us on the couch, drew and jonathan scott are here. nice to see you guys. >> did the house fall down? >> i was looking around here to see what low-bearing walls we have here to knock a couple out. >> you have three shows.
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will you leave a few shows for the rest of us? >> we have a fourth one. we finished shooting on our place in vegas. people want to know what we would do to our own places. >> lowest mortgage rates in history right now. "new york times" piece yesterday, people aren't selling your homes. now might be one of the best times to sell your homes 0. you have great tips to prep your home. >> exactly. look around the home and make sure you are not overspending on the things you want to do to prep the house to sale. one big thing, kitchens, a lot of value in the kitchens. if it's really dated, save money on the cabinets by painting them out. update them. long as the footprint is good. or if you have to replace them, if you go with prefab because the quality is better than it used to be, it can save you money of custom cabinets. spend the extra bit of cash on details. >> what are those details? >> you could do, if it's in the kitchen, spend extra money on the countertops.
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everybody loves a stone countertop. if you have an island, do butcher block to save money, but it looks like a designer choice. >> you might want to put a dancing pole on the island. >> already have one. >> you say you don't have to spend a lot of money to clean up. garden area, getting rid of the clutter. >> exactly. if you are on a tight budget, it costs nothing to trim the hedges, mow the lawn, clear out clutter. make sure people are depersonalizing. people want to picture their families in the space, not your family. >> that is a great point. so many people think i'm going to fix this house up and put this snazzy back splash here. >> nobody uses the word "snazzy any more. >> we went into a house we were showing on "buying and selling." you walk in and look up and
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there is a giant penis there. the fellow painted a picture. >> that is a selling point. >> take away those personal pieces. even with countertops. some people like to go bold with patterning. it might be too much. >> neutral is better. >> and looking overall, making sure you are doing a mild makeover to everything instead of spot renovating one room. not neutral boring. >> not the remodel look. >> make sure things have pops of color that's there. fresh, crisp and clean what is buyers want to see. if they walk in and it looks like a 2000 renovation where everything was taupe or burgundy. >> the taupe years were bad. >> boring. >> it was a dark time. >> yellow and green. that was bad. >> better than the '60s popcorn ceilings and cork walls. >> i love your show.
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"property brothers." take me behind the scenes. what are some of the secrets we don't get to see. >> one of the biggest questions we get, how does jonathan do all that work all on his own? how does he do everything in five weeks? well, that's not realistic. we only focus on three to four rooms for the show. we say that on the show, but everyone assumes we are renovating the entire house. >> people just assume i'm awesome. >> the budget and timeline are real but it's for those three to four rooms. >> typically we renovate the house, but that's separate for the show. >> i have amazing kitchen crews and flooring crews. the tighter the budget gets, the more i take on myself with the homeowners because i don't charge for my time. >> i charge triple. >> you have a huge following. what percentage of your viewers are women? >> 38% are men and the rest are women. i assume the rest are women. >> we want to know secrets about you two. it's no secret you are both very handsome.
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is there a third brother. >> they didn't want that revealed on national television. i can't believe you spilled that. >> i have all the secrets. drew as a superfluous nipple. >> that could come in handy some days. >> you have another one. you call him the good-looking one. >> where is he? >> we all live in vegas. he is on the road filming a new show. >> we are doing an appearance at world market in new jersey. >> tell us about your childhood. grew up on a farm. >> j.d. two years older than we were. single child, my mom wanted to have one orchid, they had us. they didn't know it was twins. i sat on his head in the womb for nine months. when i was born the doctor left. the nurse said, doctor, i think there is another one. my mom said oh, beep. he was born to an expletive. >> you bought your first
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property at 19 years old? >> john is an illusionist. i directed. what can we do to make money to fund our creative endeavors? we found out real estate was a good way to make money. we learned everything we could possibly learn. >> a lot was misinformation. >> can you do that? >> back in the day we took all the stuff we learned. there were two points. it worked. we got it. >> it was a $200,000 house. >> why are you in new york? >> to see you. >> so sweet. i'm glad you stopped by. >> we are meeting fans at world market. we are giving the first 200 fans, nonperishable items. we'll take their photo and those go to the food bank of new jersey. >> drew and jonathan scott host of at least four, maybe five
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shows. >> next week maybe ten. >> thank you, guys. "miami heat" fans steaming hot with anger now that lebron james is heading home to cleveland. hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan...
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a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you!
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rick perry told president obama to go to the u.s./mexico border and see the immigration crisis first hand because americans expect to see their president when there is a disaster. which is why today obama showed up in miami. losing lebron is terrible. >> he's only mildly overstating it, if you talk to people who live in the city of miami. >> they are burning their jerseys. >> defacing posters. lebron james going to cleveland. shocking. he's a free agent and is taking a lot less money to go to cleveland under the salary cap
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there most of the nba wondering where the heck he was going to go. back home to his home state of cleveland that he loves. >> he's not the only one going to cleveland. the world is looking cleveland's way this morning. >> that's true. republicans are heading to cleveland. it's not just johnny manziel. the rnc set to hold their big convention in the summer there. the problem is that the arena, they are so used to the cleveland cavaliers not making the playoffs, they scheduled it in june. now if lebron is in cleveland, they could make the playoffs and therefore the rnc would have to move their time. >> rnc has not decided on june yet. they were saying june or july. it's looking like it has to be july. you have the hotels to think about, too. not only does everyone want to watch the game. >> this is why you pick a city with a terrible sports team for your convention. by the way, the convention
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hasn't been in june in my lifetime anyway. it's always been august or september. >> i think if you are going to the republican national convention, you might want to see a game, too. >> the problem is they moved it. they moved it because it's been four years and four years they had to deal with the hurricanes disrupting their -- no one showed up to the rnc one year. there were vacant seats. >> in effect it lengthens the most intense part of the presidential campaign which typically starts after labor day. now it will be all summer. >> much more coming up, but first fox news alert. israel and gaza on the brink of war. new video shows this rocket hitting gaza a few moments ago. take a look. >> people are running. israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu fielding questions about more air strikes. >> what is the latest where you are, david? >> reporter: just the last few hours there have been 36 strikes, 36 rockets fired by militants into israel. two of those rockets landed in an unpopulated area outside the city and that is where israel has a nuclear facility. just moments ago i heard what sounded like an israeli air strikes over gaza. i can't see any damage from our vantage point. those have been taking place throughout the day, those air strikes as israel continues to prepare for a possible ground incursion. we are about 100 yards from the gaza border. you see armor tanks and bulldozers. there are israeli troops that have been stationed here. it is likely that if there is a ground incursion, these would be
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the first troops to enter into gaza, a top priority for israeli soldiers that enter into gaza would be to destroy the launching devices that are used to fire rockets. you can see the soldiers preparing now if they get the call to enter into gaza. a debate is taking place here in israel that involves the politicians, political arena as well as military. they are trying to determine if a ground incurs is the best way to go. some argued that continuing the air campaign would be far more effective or equally effective and would not result in as many casualties. these soldiers continue to prepare to enter into gaza and cross the border. also continuing diplomatic efforts. egypt taking the lead trying to broker some type of truce. this cease-fire that is now being discussed might in some
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ways be based on the cease-fire between israel and hamas two years ago. the question on the minds of many guys is what might be different about this particular truce in order that it might be longer lasting. back to you. >> thanks, david. >> joining us live there on the israel/gaza border. thanks, david. new developments in the crash involving actor tracy morgan. he is now suing walmart. the crash critically injured morgan and three others and killed his friend. the suit claims walmart should have known its driver hadn't slept in 24 hours. in a statement walmart says the company is, "committed to doing the right thing for all involved." the georgia dad accused of intentionally leaving his son to die in that hot car is now losing support and money. pay pal announced it's going to give refunds to all the people who don'ted to justin roth harris' fund-raising campaign. $22,000 donated.
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as more evidence came to light, including the sexting and internet searches about hot car deaths, the fund-raiser was pulled. >> harris' wife hired a criminal attorney. is "jurassic park" director stephen spielberg a dinosaur killer? of course he's not. that picture right there of him sitting next to a dinosaur prop from his 1993 film sparking outrage from animal rights activists. it was posted by a comedian on facebook, supposed to be a joke. one user wrote, "stephen spielberg, i'm disappointed in you. i'm not watching any of your movies again, animal killer." another said, "one day we realize we are killing all animals on this planet and we need them to survive." i don't think we need dinosaurs. >> they are endangered species. >> i bet you $1,000 those are
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obama voters. >> whomever they are, they're dumb. on the show, a parents' nightmare comes through in one 911 call. >> can you respond to my aid? my child's choking medical's en route. >> that is a dispatcher answering a call for her very own son. rick and clayton went head-to-head on the obstacle course designed by navy seals. now it's time for ainsley and aaron. let's check in with neil cavuto for a look at "the cost of freedom business block." >> good morning. here we go again. the answer for the illegal alien crisis in throw more money at it. it's time to throw these spenders out. the epa should stick to ponds
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and leave your paycheck alone. now it says it can take your pay away any time it wants. >> while americans are searching for more full-time jobs, why is this google billionaire looking to take them away? [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death.
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. . . .
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welcome back. a california 911 dispatcher was training a new employee when this call came in. >> 1-year-old infant that just swallowed something and is starting to choke on it. >> that call from her fiance. her son was choking on a metal washer and couldn't breathe. >> can you respond to my aid? my child's choking medical's en route. >> the baby was saved and is now doing just fine. joining us is the 911 dispatcher britney to tell us more about this rescue. >> nice to have both of you here. so grateful maverick is there happy and healthy this morning.
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>> thank you for letting us join your tv show. >> robert, we know some of the story there. take me back to before you made the phone call. what was happening? >> i was moving some furniture in the house from the master bedroom into the living room. little maverick was in the room with me when i was moving the bed frame out into the living room. i returned back to the bedroom and found him on all fours facing the window, which is facing away from me. called out to him and said, hey, what are you doing? he wasn't responding. normally he does. i walked up to him. hey, what you got? when i looked at him, his mouth was just wide open gasping for air. i immediately knew he was choking on something. picked him up and started to try to do some finger swipes and see if he can dislodge whatever it was or be able to see if it was
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a solid or soft object. >> then you picked up the phone and got right on there to call 911. did you recognize the voice on the other line when you called 911? did you know you might get britney on the phone? >> there is a possibility. normally i get pinged to chp california highway patrol, which i did this time, then was transferred to the police department where i knew it would be one of two people, either britney or her trainee. >> then you get on the phone. did you instantly recognize robert's voice or did it take you a few seconds? >> no. my trainee answered the 911 call. he was the one speaking with robert. i actually recognized the address. that's when i knew it was my house and my son and my fiance. >> you kept it together because you responded as a professional.
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what were you thinking as you knew that was your little boy? >> just thinking i had to goat him help as soon as i possibly could. i helped my partner out while he was on the phone, i was dispatching for the fire department and ambulance, as well as police officers to help assist to go to the call, as well. >> then what happened? you managed to get it out without having paramedics arrive, right? >> yes. once i hung up with them i proceeded back into the bedroom and started to do more finger swipes. at that point he was completely unconscious, was not breathing. so i continued once again to try to dislodge the item. at that point, he wasn't breathing. i performed a short-term cpr on him and then made the decision to dislodge the object by
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pushing it down his airway, past his airway. >> we are so thankful he is alive and happy and healthy this morning. you guys are fantastic parents for being able to handle that in mows moments like that. what a pro you are to handle that with -- i don't know how i would handle that if i got a phone call like that. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. coming up on the show -- it's the moment you've all been waiting for. ainsley and erin going head-to-head in the battle frog course. stay tuned.
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homeowners searching for mortgage refinancing. but since their property values fell, they can't find a way, even though they're current on their payments. hey guys, you need some help? >> yes...... >> no, we're ok. time to try a different route called harp. it's helping millions find lower rates and save money. lost? yeah follow me see if you qualify at your best route to a better mortgage.
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all right. welcome back. we saw clayton and rick face off earlier in the battle frog course can, and now it is ainsley's turn. >> i am shakinging, because i have just tried the wall and it is nerve-racking. >> you and erin tolbert, okay. >> and cheer me on when i go over the wall, because i am afraid of heights. >> enough talk. okay. start it. >> and in three, two, up with, g go. >> good job, guys. take your time. take your time. here we go. here we go. good job, guys. >> lean back. lean back. into the hands. two hands on top.
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good job. two hands on the rope, and lean back, lean back. careful, careful. >> go, go, go. nice. >> look at this, holding a microphone pack in her hand the whole time. holding the mic pack. >> that is scary. >> i have nef done that. >> how was that? >> great. >> i'm no navy s.e.a.l. >> thank you. >> what was the hardest part? >> the hardest part was the wall. i never was scared of heights as a child, but if youk look down there, you think that you will
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fall and no concrete and apparently, i'm out of shape. >> no, you did a great job, erin. >> and what was the hardest part for you? >> i didn't expect the sand climb to be as hard as it was. >> congratulations. >> erin, why are you not out of breath? is. >> well, i am a little bit. apparently much more in shape than i am. >> i could not talk for 20 minutes after that. >> and he couldn't handle his vital needs like breathing. >> yes. >> and so stick around for more "fox and friends" in 2:00.
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all right. we have the official results, and they are ainsley 56 seconds and erin 51 and clayton 51 and rick finished in 39 seconds, ladies and gentlemen. >> i loved the guns. >> so much fun. >> you loved the guns did you say? >> so much more coming up on the show. hike or take a hike? a credit agency with a warning to push the hike in minimum wage, and what that would do to the economy. i'm brenda butner, and let's get right to the "bulls and the bears." we have our panel along with mark hannah. welcome to everybody. how serious is this? >> well, brenda, it is very serious, and every time we talk about the minimum wage, it is


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